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Determination of the Steepness of the Discriminatory Characteristic for the Meter of non-Energy Parameters of the Signal | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

Determination of the Steepness of the Discriminatory Characteristic for the Meter of non-Energy Parameters of the Signal

Publisher: IEEE


The simultaneous influence of multiplicative and additive noises on the steepness of the discriminative characteristic of a two-channel discriminator is analyzed. A coher...View more


The simultaneous influence of multiplicative and additive noises on the steepness of the discriminative characteristic of a two-channel discriminator is analyzed. A coherent signal and a sequence of incoherent pulses are used as input signals. It is assumed that, at a relatively low level of noise, the tracking meter is considered as a linear system. Conditions are obtained when systematic measurement errors are absent. The expressions for determining the steepness of the discriminative characteristic affected by multiplicative noise depending on the additive noise level are obtained. It is shown that multiplicative noise has a greater influence on the steepness of the discriminative characteristic when the level of additive noise is higher. Coefficients determining the normalizing effect of the automatic gain control are obtained. It is shown that the type of the input signal does not change the physical nature of the influence of multiplicative and additive noises on the steepness of the discriminative characteristic.
Date of Conference: 17-19 November 2022
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 04 January 2023
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Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: Tomsk, Russian Federation

I. Introduction

In information-measuring systems for various purposes, tracking meters have been widely used. At the same time, they are often designed to measure non-energy parameters of a useful signal, for example, frequency, initial phase, etc. In publications [1–7, etc.] the study of some features of their work is given. The authors in publication [8] showed how the determination of the spectral density (SD) of the mismatch signal of the discriminator, as well as the steepness of the discriminatory characteristic (DC) of the latter, makes it possible to obtain an estimate of the measurement accuracy of one information parameter of the signal. At the same time, both multiplicative (MN) and additive (AN) noises acted on the signal at the same time [9–15, etc.]. In addition, the above-mentioned publication provides a generalized structure diagram of a tracking meter, as well as a functional diagram of a two-channel discriminator, the latter being intended to be used in the present work.


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