Minming Zhang - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 70 results


This article presents a photonics-assisted radar jamming system utilizing two cascaded Mach-Zehnder modulators, capable of performing two distinct jamming functions with a simple architecture. With 0°-180° phase modulation, the system effectively eliminates the central false target, and significantly increases the number of false targets via composite jamming of comb spectrum modulation and phase ...Show More
We demonstrate broadband Silicon-Nitride asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer temperature sensor showing near 40 pm/K sensitivity from $25^{\mathrm{o}}\mathrm{C}$ to $85^{\mathrm{o}}\mathrm{C}$ in S+C+L band, which is two times larger than conventional Silicon-Nitride temperature sensors. The proposed sensor only needs single lithography for the sensing unit, without introducing negative thermo-...Show More
Optical diffractive neural networks have sparked extensive research due to their low power consumption and high-speed capabilities in image processing. Here we propose and design a reconfigurable all-optical diffractive neural network structure with digital non-volatile optical neurons. The optical neurons are built with Sb2Se3 phase-change material and can switch between crystalline and amorphous...Show More
We propose a narrow band, power-efficient, cost-effective and on-chip mid-infrared source $(\text{at}\approx 6.0 \ \mathrm{m})$ for gas sensing applications. Combined an optimized microelectromechanical system heater with a metal-insulator-metal metasurface emitter, the source works successfully.Show More
We propose a method to generate in-plane vortex arrays with multimode silicon waveguides. By combining different modes in the silicon waveguide, space-and propagation-variant vortex arrays can be generated in a controlled manner.Show More
We propose a non-volatile reconfigurable digital all-optical diffractive neural network based on Sb2Se3 phase-change material. With three optical diffraction layers and a correcting layer, our model achieves 94.46% accuracy for handwritten digit recognition.Show More
We propose a novel Fabry—Pérot laser diode with temperature-insensitive laser spectral envelope. By introducing a temperature-insensitive optical filter structure into the laser diode resonator, the laser spectral envelope shows substantially reduced temperature sensitivity.Show More
A three-channel mode (de)multiplexer with fabrication tolerance using the Modified adjoint method is proposed and experimentally demonstrated, providing insertion losses < 2 dB, crosstalks of $< 17\text{dB}$ and large fabrication tolerance of $\pm 10$ nm.Show More
We propose adversarial autoencoder neural network with physically-segmented latent space for the inverse design of digital nanophotonic power splitters with accurate arbitrary splitting ratios (relative error < 3%) and low insertion loss (< 0.5 dB).Show More
On-chip optical neural networks (ONNs) have recently emerged as an attractive hardware accelerator for deep learning applications, characterized by high computing density, low latency, and compact size. As these networks rely heavily on massive matrix multiplication, photonic matrix computing cores become crucial components for on-chip ONNs, which harness the degree of freedoms (DOFs) in photonics...Show More
Integrated optics hold great potential to accelerate deep learning tasks with high clock rates, parallelism and low-loss data transmission. Silicon photonic integrated circuits can perform large-scale and low-power-consuming optical linear operations by using weighting mechanism through linear optics. However, on-chip light attenuation and nonlinear activation functions are still huge challenges f...Show More
1 × 2 power splitter is the fundamental component of passive optical network (PON) with bus or ring topology. In existing PON architecture, uplink and downlink wavelengths distribute in a large wavelength range from O-band to L-band, which requires power splitter used in PON having a bandwidth of around 300 nm to cover both uplink and downlink wavelengths. Compared with currently used passive powe...Show More
The electro-absorption modulated laser (EML) chip-on-carrier (COC) submodule has a complex equivalent circuit model, making it challenging to characterize the EML parameters directly. An efficient theoretical model is presented which closely approximates the actual situation by combining the conventional EML COC equivalent circuit model with the RF response characteristics of the chip carrier. Com...Show More
Electrically pumped semiconductor laser array operating in the fundamental mode is of vital importance. In general, the competition of multiple transverse modes in the laser array leads to spatiotemporally unstable and degradation of beam quality. In this letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate electrically pumped single transverse-mode semiconductor laser arrays by exploiting the concep...Show More
Gradient-descent-based digitized adjoint method offers a way to realize the high-efficiency inverse design of digital nanophotonic devices with diverse functions. However, the vanishing gradient problem encountered in the design of high-dimension devices may lead to significant inefficiencies, making it difficult to integrate novel functions on a single chip. Here, we propose a highly efficient di...Show More
In this paper, we propose a joint feedforward equalizer (FFE) and an error-based feedforward equalizer (Err-FFE) to eliminate the serious inter-symbol interference and high-frequency colored noise for 100 Gb/s 4-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM4) optical systems. The proposed Err-FFE is first designed to replace the joint post-filter (PF) and maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE). The...Show More
A 1.3 μm surface-emitting distributed feedback laser with second order grating and double section ridge waveguide has been proposed, which achieves threshold current as 14 mA, excellent single mode performance and high speed modulation rates. © 2021 The Author(s)Show More
Digital electro-optical latch can cache the signal by temporarily maintaining a certain output state. We present a dual-DFB semiconductor laser with two DFB sections and identical MQW active layer which can realize the latch function.Show More
We present a 1.3 $\mu\mathrm{m}$ surface-emitting DFB laser with second order grating and double section ridge waveguide. The lasers can achieve stable single mode operation with threshold current 13.5 mA, and 25 Gb/s modulation rates.Show More
We propose a unique concept to implement an optical quasi-circulator based on mode conversion without using nonreciprocity. Such circulator is CMOS-compatible, reconfigurable, broadband and could be extended for more ports.Show More
We here propose a simple method in realizing large-scale laser arrays based on PT symmetry. By utilizing the abrupt symmetry breaking transition, a single-mode laser arrays consist of eighteen ridge-waveguide cavities has been demonstrated.Show More
We propose an on-chip reconfigurable nanophotonic device platform to dynamically implement inverse-designed devices with different functions by programming the state of the phase-change materials, four power splitters and one wavelength multiplexer are demonstrated.Show More
We design and experimentally demonstrate an ultra-compact dual-mode mode-division multiplexing (MDM) photonic integrated circuit (PIC), which supports on-chip optical signal mode-order-based routing and mode-independent broadcasting. The MDM circuit is composed of inverse-designed three multiplexers, one 3-dB power splitter, three bends and one crossing based on photonic-crystal-like subwavelength...Show More
Integrating multiple functionalities into one single device is of great importance for ever-growing demand of photonic device. Optical vortex beam contains orbital angular momentum (OAM) and spin angular momentum (SAM) associated with phase and polarization singularities respectively, which has contributed to various application including optical manipulation, optical trapping and high-speed optic...Show More