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Mohd Ayyub Khan - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This paper presents a blind and robust watermarking technique that exploits the advantage of the inter-block correlation property of the DCT coefficients and psychovisual thresholding of the DCT coefficients to obtain high robustness and better imperceptibility. The two coefficients of succeeding blocks at different positions based on the psychovisual threshold are chosen after applying (8×8) bloc...Show More
Due to the increased revolution of digital technology, the process of information sharing, accessing becomes easier. But securing this information is the major critical task. The major threat is occurred in digital images by making forgeries. Several existing techniques are utilized for detection the forgeries in digital images. But still, it lacks inaccurate detection. Hence a novel technique is ...Show More
The continuous increase of applications supporting the Ultra High Definition (UHD) resolution limits the use of current video coding standard (Advance Video Coding) AVC. To provide the considerably better coding efficiency as compared to the existing video coding standards, a next generation video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is released. HEVC introduces the concept of flexi...Show More
This paper investigates the capabilities of Hierarchical Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (HQAM) to provide Unequal Error Protection (UEP) to H.264/AVC encoded video bitstream. The UEP is based on the asymmetrical error sensitivity of the coded bitstream and exploits data partitioning mode of H.264/AVC to provide protection to their sensitivity to channel errors. The more important bits called High...Show More
Transmission of coded video over erroneous channels (e.g., Internet and wireless networks) is always a challenging task. Error control strategies, to combat the channel errors, are generally applied at individual network layers leading to inefficient utilization of resources. The cross-layer design has emerged as alternative for efficient utilization of the available resources, such as bandwidth, ...Show More
The wavelet-based video coders are excellent in providing the fine granular scalability (FGS), i.e. progressive bitstream, which can be used to multicast the video transmission to different users requiring different bit-rate, resolution and frame rate, from single coded bitstream. However, transmission of these bitstreams over erroneous channel is a challenging task. In this paper, application lay...Show More
In this paper, an optimized unequal error protection scheme using Forward Error Correction (FEC) for transmission of embedded video bitstream over AWGN channel is investigated. The scheme exploits the non-uniform importance and error sensitivity of the bits generated by the a wavelet video coder. Depending upon their importance in the reconstruction of the video, the bitstream is first divided int...Show More
Error control strategies to video bitstream are usually provided at different layers of the communication network. Optimizing the error control strategies at different layers independently leads to inefficient utilization of the resources. In this paper, a cross-layer strategy to optimally utilize the application and physical layer resources for unequal error protection (UEP) of wavelet coded scal...Show More
In this paper, the performance of unequal error protection (UEP) scheme for wavelet coded video using multi-layered 64-Hierarchical QAM (64-HQAM) is presented. Depending on the error sensitivity of coded video bitstream against channel errors, the bitstream is partitioned into multiple sub-streams. The most sensitive sub-stream is assigned highest protection while least sensitive are assigned lowe...Show More
This paper proposes an efficiently-mapped adaptive hierarchical QAM (AHQAM) scheme for unequal error protection (UEP) of embedded video bitstream. The coded bits of each frame are hierarchically partitioned into high priority (HP) and low priority (LP) substream, using two-staged partitioning strategy. Then pairs of stream blocks, one from each substream are selected judiciously to form symbols, w...Show More
Unequal Error protection (UEP) of wavelet coded video is investigated using Hierarchical Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (HQAM). Based on the unequal sensitivity of coded bit stream against transmission errors, this paper investigates the properties of HQAM constellation to provide different degree of error protection to the coded bits having different degree of importance. This paper proposes an ...Show More
The Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) based color image coder, commonly referred as Color SPIHT (CSPIHT) are developed to quantize and encode wavelet coefficients and have excellent rate distortion characteristic in the noise free environments. However in presence of noise they are extremely sensitive to the bit errors. It was observed that bits have different degree of vulnerability ...Show More