J. Troger - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Here, we report on the development and properties of our latest high power narrow-stripe G08 laser diode and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) stabilized module. The development of high power single-mode laser diodes and modules with a fiber-coupled power exceeding 0.5 W enables the fabrication of attractive sources for a wide range of frequency conversion and pumping applications.Show More
Thermal and spatial-spectral imaging methods are used to investigate the soldering quality in high-power laser-bar devices. The temperature distribution and the wavelength profile across a driven laser bar correlate with the local thermal resistance between laser and cooler and, thus, with the uniformity of the solder layers. Measurements with a properly soldered and a deficiently soldered laser b...Show More
A 600 mW laser at 980 nm with low RMS noise below 0.1% is presented, wavelength stabilized by a fiber Bragg grating with 20 pm bandwidth. The light is provided in a polarization maintaining single mode fiber.Show More
A novel method for determining gain in long-cavity Fabry-Pe/spl acute/rot diode lasers is presented. Gain is extracted from a return-loss measurement via a simple model. The experimental setup is based on the injection of a low-coherence probe signal into the laser cavity and synchronous detection of the reflected light. Using a fiber-optics setup, gain can be determined in commercial fiber-couple...Show More
Fiber coupled light output power of highly reliable single mode laser diodes with an emission wavelength of around 980 nm has been increased by 40% as compared to former results. The devices reach in excess of 1.3 W ex-facet CW light output power with up to 60% power conversion efficiency and exhibit a vertical far-field of around 21/spl deg/. The maximum fiber coupled CW light output power amount...Show More
We propose in this paper a novel method for generating the pump and probe signals for a Brillouin fibre sensor. It is based on the injection locking of two distinct semiconductor lasers, that makes possible the generation of high purity beat signals in the microwave frequency range. Such a technique can be used either in the pulsed pump-probe technique or the new correlation-based technique. Furth...Show More
A theoretical and experimental study of a graded-index separate confinement heterostructure (GRIN-SCH) distributed feedback (DFB) multiquantum-well (MQW) diode laser emitting at 1.55 /spl mu/m subject to external light injection from several lasers is presented. Lang's model for the classical single master-slave configuration is extended to include light injection from several master lasers. Free ...Show More
A novel experimental setup for injection-locking experiments is presented. The single-mode-fiber-based configuration allows one to precisely control the power and the polarization state of the light injected from the master laser into the slave laser cavity. Different behaviors typical for injection locking with single-mode semiconductor lasers (e.g., stable injection locking, undamped relaxation ...Show More