Tong-Ming Lim - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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KS tools are tools that allow knowledge workers to share and reuse knowledge both in organizations and leisure environments. However the adoption of KS tools in most organizational ecosystem is slow and worrying, as many researchers have pointed out. This study looks into several factors such as nationality, experience, position and education that influence the usage on a list of KS tools. The stu...Show More
The proposed 6-Hop P2P (6-Hop) is an improved overlay network topology that intends to enhance the current P2P that houses a file sharing and media broadcasting (FSMB) application. A P2P system provides a serverless platform for the current FSMB application. It allows media files in each peer to be located by other peers in the network using any word in the file name. The current FSMB application ...Show More
This paper is built upon prior research on enterprise knowledge sharing. Our objective is to explore the role of affect among knowledge workers on adoption of knowledge sharing tools (KST). We examine two different constructs: positive affect and negative affect and their relationships. These affective constructs will be added into TAM (Technology Adoption Model) developed by Davis. Positive affec...Show More
This paper looked at an IT company by implementing a social networking system, Yammer, to implement an enterprise microblogging system as a alternate knowledge sharing tool for better knowledge sharing practices among employees. This paper highlighted that survey responses and interview followed with focus group study showed that Yammer, an enterprise microblogging system, is a possible future kno...Show More
This is a work-in-progress research paper that describes a novel architecture of a prototype, Text-to-Onto Miner, which is aimed to aid human experts in analyzing huge collection of internet text content by soliciting text from various sources such as blog and publicly accessible web sites. The Text to-Onto Miner or Text-to-Onto is a tool designed and implemented after detail understanding the nee...Show More
There has been a tremendous growth in the adoption of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems for media distribution and file sharing. However, P2P is now also being used as underlying technology for other purposes such as the distribution of software updates or as infrastructure for a distributed information repository. The research introduced in this paper is motivated by a use case in the latter area. This ...Show More
Web 2.0 has changed the landscape of collaborative and broadcast communications among users in organizations. Enterprise 2.0 and KM 2.0 are derivations of Web 2.0. The deployments of Web 2.0 have created lot of impacts on enterprise KM sharing and reuse. Web 2.0 is used as platforms to improve ties in social networks as well as knowledge sharing and reuse activities in organizations. Many studies ...Show More
Keyphrases are useful in organizing an overwhelming number of resources while providing ease of access for information retrieval. However, manually assigning keyphrases to a document is very expensive in terms of both human resources and time consumption. Therefore, there is a need for automatic keyphrase extraction. While techniques for automatic keyphrase extraction have been researched for a nu...Show More
Text data understanding on social networking systems has become an important source of data for companies to understand their stakeholders better. The shift from pattern mining of structured database to non-structured text data has alerted companies to have a stronger presence in the new social media world. This research uses text miner module in the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) to analyze co...Show More
The concept of "Small-World" paradigm has been used by many peer-to-peer (P2P) systems to achieve high clustering and low number of hops to arrive to its desired target. This approach intends to improve performance of P2P systems. The Small world concept requires that the architecture of a P2P system to achieve high cluster coefficient and low average hop between any two randomly chosen peers. In ...Show More
The use of knowledge management systems to support knowledge creation and sharing activities has become the priority of organizations to stay competitive in the global market. This is a case study that focuses on how IT Shared Services Company adopted knowledge management system as an automated IT tool and there action of the employees with respect to the organization when the system is implemente...Show More
Social computing systems such as blogs and wikis have been used quite extensively in the last two decades by technical savvy and young users to publish their journals both for job and leisure purposes. However, the latest new development was the use of weblog as the preferred platform for knowledge creation and sharing in many commercial organizations due to its popularity and ease-of-use. Most st...Show More
User Interfaces (UI) layout design is one of the most important part of any software requirement activities. User interfaces (UI) emerged as an essential accomplice in fulfilling the potential of an application. Layout design of UI screens has always been very expensive and time consuming activities. However, owing to the ad-hoc nature of UI design process coupled with user involvement throughout ...Show More