Antons Kutjuns - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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The paper presents the process of introducing synchronous condensers in the Latvian and Baltic electricity transmission network, taking into account the technical and economic studies on various technical solutions and expected investment costs. Existing market monitoring has been evaluated and summarized, including the comparison of the technical parameters. The synchronisation prefeasibility stu...Show More
The gas transmission network and the electricity transmission grid are subject to a number of threats and hazards that make them vulnerable and jeopardize the secure access to gas and electricity. Moreover, they are strongly interconnected and rely on the well-functioning of each other, and they are also interconnected with the information technology infrastructures. The target of this work is to ...Show More
Energy supply process from energy producers to energy consumers consists of several stages, where each stage is very important because the whole process provides main exercise and goal - secure and reliable energy supply for the consumers. In last years, increasing the damages in the power systems not only from the technical point of view but from physical intervention as well, including external ...Show More
Finland and Baltic States initiated Distribution Cert project realization, based on multifunctional professional educational system of Finland. Projects provide opportunities to harmonize Baltic vocational training (VET) systems with EU requirements and best Nordic practices. There is a practical working example of mutually beneficial collaboration between policymakers, employers and training serv...Show More
More often the occurrence of severe winter and summer storms in Northern Europe accompanied by large scale outages in rural networks pushes distribution utilities to find reliable, cost effective, and yet profitable network designs in rural areas that would satisfy customer needs at the lowest energy price possible. Rural network cablification has brought new trends in rural network architecture, ...Show More
Power supply reliability is one of the main criteria in estimation of power system networks. The decisions on radical changes in branch of electric power control and trade are still caused by essential monopolization, then reasoned with politicians, public, economic and technical factors and not less with international influence followed by ascendance to international alliances and wherewith conne...Show More
Power supply reliability is one of the main criteria in estimation of power system networks. There have been many power system blackouts during the last years, which have resulted interruption in power supply and big material loses in many countries all over the world. In order to prevent similar problems in a future it is necessary to elaborate new methods of power supply reliability assessment, ...Show More
The risk assessment method for power system standard evaluation in regard to generation and transmission capacities adequacy for the perspective 5 and 10 years period under the information uncertainly conditions is being analysed in the paper. The tool of the method is the programme LDM-T&G'05 (Latvian Dynamic Model for Transmission and Generation). The programme provides the opportunity to perfor...Show More
Paper presents optimization method of power system development under uncertainty. Method is used for LDM family. Laboratory of Electric Power System Simulation worked out software of Latvian dynamic model (LDM) family. All softwares of LDM family ensure possibilities: 1) to eliminate investments, which increase prime cost, 2) to arrange the required investments by their efficiency. The databases L...Show More
Distributed (dispersed) generation (DG) entities are private and operated independently upon the main grid in Latvia. In the paper the impact of connected DG to the distribution network is analysed in regard to network operation modes and network operation parameters: voltage losses, power flows and overflows, energy losses per year etc. As research objects private electric power plants have been ...Show More