Jean-Claude Bignon - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Teaching cooperation-related issues to AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) students is a major stake nowadays. There are many reasons for that: construction projects become more and more complex and cooperation practices are evolving in both organizational and IT-based ways. It is notably for these reasons that the issue of IT is addressed in most of the AEC-oriented schools and unive...Show More
This article approaches, in a sensitive way, cartography and video games to show that spatial perception and visualization are subjective and are reinforced by some media. By materializing the mental map described by Patricia Marks Greenfield, our proposal allows the learner to outline his path and thus his three-dimensional map. Thus, this map helps the learner in the understanding of archaeologi...Show More
In the early stage of creation, the architect tests his work hypotheses by making many adjustments while designing. During the sketching phase, the existing modeling tools are not compatible with the iterative nature of this process. So the challenge lies in the definition of a model which will allow the whole creative process with its various trying and going back during the phase of conception. ...Show More
Thanks to the attractions of the multimedia, namely interactivity and multimodality, it seems that web sites and CD-ROMs have the capacity to transmit heritage information to the public. But ultimately they miss real cognitive or educational purposes. Consequently, this article suggests enriching the conception of educational products, combining the potential of video games with the methods of rep...Show More
In this paper, we make the assumption that a shape modelling process can rely on the application of a set of morpho-semantic operators to initial shapes. In this paper, we refer to several researches which have attempted to identify such operators. We will attempt to validate this concept through the analysis of some ''innovative" buildings. Thus, in different projects of contemporary architects, ...Show More
During their activity, designers use various kind of heterogeneous information presented in the data list of the design program. To solve their design problem they use "references". If by reference some writers mean every representation of a reality having an active role in the design process, in our case we have limited the reference definition to the physical parts of a building, the so-called "...Show More
This paper reports on asynchronous coordination of a virtual team in a virtual enterprise. It confronts two approaches: explicit coordination based on explicit process modeling, and implicit coordination, based on group awareness, to finally conclude that a good coordination is a subtle mixture of both approaches. For each approach and for the combination of both, requirements and design criteria ...Show More