R. Y. Udaykumar - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-24 of 24 results


The transformation from conventional power grid to smart grid has brought interdisciplinary concepts together. The distribution management system is a part of the smart grid and is a complex entity which requires different applications for monitoring, control and manage the distribution network operator (DNO). In this paper the communication framework is proposed for microgrid control center (MGCC...Show More
Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is a viable solution to meet the grid requirements with present developments in electric vehicle (EV) technology and power grid. In this paper wireless access infrastructure for optimal placement of EV aggregator in power distribution network is proposed using Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) or 802.16 protocol. The load flow studies were carried out fo...Show More
Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is the concept of connecting a group of electric vehicles (EV) to the grid for power transaction. EVs can be connected to the grid through the home interface or through the chargers available at charging stations. In this paper, a single phase on-board charger with low complexity control scheme is proposed for EV power transaction. The power flow from and to the grid is proce...Show More
This paper puts forward a single-DC source based seven-level inverter for harvesting energy from renewable sources. Three single-phase transformers with cascaded outputs are powered from the switching power circuit resulting in then generation of multilevel at the output of the inverter. The proposed configuration can generate output voltage having levels of magnitude (-3VDC, -2VDC, -VDC, 0, VDC, ...Show More
In this paper, a phase balancing algorithm is developed to balance the load at each candidate node of the secondary distribution network from tail end of the feeder by rearranging the connections of consumer load/ service laterals. Phase balancing is a concept of re-phasing service laterals such that load on three phases is balanced. The algorithm is designed to handle three, two and single phase ...Show More
The concept of connecting group of electric vehicles (EVs) to the grid for power transaction is known as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). The EVs can be connected to the grid through V2G integrators and charging slots. The arrival of EVs in parking lot is time varying and random in nature and facilitating them to participate in power transaction is challenging and aggregator's responsibility. In this paper,...Show More
The agriculture sector is changing rapidly pointing to the future of automated and embedded systems with an array of sensors to monitor and control the growing plants in a way to protect workers, the environment and profits associated with it. The continuous monitoring and controlling of distantly located plants is labour intensive and technically challenging business. In modern precision agricult...Show More
The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) concept has become a reality with developments in the power grid and vehicle technology. The electrical vehicle (EV) can be connected to the grid to contribute power and help in maintaining the grid stability for shorter duration of time. The communication between the grid control center (GCC) and Aggregator is very crucial as GCC sends the power requirement details to th...Show More
The growing oil demands and the economic concerns have inspired the governments, car manufactures and the environmentalist to promote the manufacturing of Electrical Vehicles (EV). With developments in the power grid and advancements in the vehicle technology the EVs can contribute to the grid by selling or buying power from the grid. For the effective and efficient use of the V2G there is a major...Show More
In this paper, a simple single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter topology consisting of a three-level inverter, an LCL filter, and a new current feedback method for active damping is considered. A dynamically rapid method is used for tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltaic arrays, known as ripple correlation control. The algorithm uses the current and voltage low-frequ...Show More
Multilevel inverter (MLI) performance is high compared to the conventional two level inverters since they offer high power capability, associated with lower output harmonics and lower commutation losses. However the main drawback of MLI is their increased number of power devices, passive components, complex pulse width modulation control and balancing of capacitor voltages. In this paper the most ...Show More
There is a wide gap between the demand and supply of electrical energy. Far away rural areas are having dispersed loads in nature and hence increased transmission and distribution losses. Thus increasing electrical demand drives the attention towards available and feasible choices of distributed generation. India being a tropical country, solar is the natural choice of sustainable alternative. An ...Show More
With the developments in smart power grid and electrical vehicle technology the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) has become reality. The V2G plays a prominent role in meeting the load demands either peak shaving or valley filling in power management. The aggregator acts as an interface between the power grid and electrical vehicles and communication between them plays a key role. The mobile WiMAX(Worldwide I...Show More
The Vehicle to grid (V2G) has become a reality with the developments in power grid and electrical vehicle technology. The V2G acts as a source and can be connected to the grid for shaving peak. The information and communication technology (ICT) will play a key role in V2G communications in smart grid environment. The aggregator acts as an interface between the grid control center and electrical ve...Show More
This paper presents the integration of photovoltaic (PV), fuel cell (FC) and energy storage systems for reliable power generation. In this system FC is used as main power source and power from PV whenever available is harvested completely with storage system compensating for power fluctuations. This topology has high efficiency, modularity and fuel flexibility. The sources in this hybrid system co...Show More
This paper proposes a detailed mathematical model of Photovoltaic(PV) array and a three-level control scheme of a single-phase grid-connected system including maximum power point tracker, voltage source inverter and its controller based on the MATLAB/Simulink tool. The PV model is developed by using basic circuit equations of the photovoltaic (PV) solar cells including the effects of solar irradia...Show More
In this paper, the control model for a digitally controlled DC-DC converter is presented along with derivative filter. The digital implementation of this model gives the detailed description about the gain and phase responses of each block in the digital controller loop. Key problems such as quantization resolution of digital pulse width modulator (DPWM), steady state limit cycle oscillations and ...Show More
Rural electrification is an integral component of poverty alleviation and rural growth of a nation. In India, electricity has not played effective role in the socio-economic growth of village. Government of India has ambitious target of providing electricity to all villages by 2008 and all rural households by 2012. Steps are initiated with Rural Electric Corporation, State Electricity Boards, Refo...Show More
In this paper design and implementation of low power Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is presented. In the present status the embedded control applications requires low power and fast acting PID controllers with a closed loop performance using less resources, resulting in cost reduction. Different types of digital PID controllers are anal...Show More
The gap between electrical energy supply and demand is continuously increasing despite huge outlay for energy sector since independence. This gap between supply and demand of energy can be bridged with the help of energy conservation which is considered as a new source of energy and environmental friendly. The energy conservation is cost effective with a short pay back period and modest investment...Show More
Domestic consumers in the remote places who are not connected by the main electrical grid network, hybrid systems such as wind/diesel generators have been considered as the most reliable, preferred and attractive alternative source of power supply. This paper presents the modeling and performance analysis of wind/diesel hybrid generating system. To regulate the frequency and voltage output of the ...Show More
Haul roads within the pit are one of the critical areas in surface mines where lighting installations are not permanent due to regular advancement of the working face. Due to this reason it is very difficult to maintain the lighting standards, as specified by various regulatory bodies. Lighting in mines presents special problems because of the dark surroundings and low surface reflectance. Hence, ...Show More
The conventional vector control method involves coordinate transformations and hence requires real time computations which involves time consuming complex calculations. On the other hand, it is shown in this paper that in drive systems involving periodic load change cycles the fast torque response can be achieved by giving a phase lead to the input voltage whenever the load changes. In addition, a...Show More
An electric drive system that is simple and efficient is proposed and simulated for a two wheeler (moped). The drive system is a 3-phase ac squirrel cage induction motor of rating 1 hp, 230 volts, 50 Hz and 2 pole. It is chosen due to its low cost, high reliability and high speed. The induction motor is optimized for high peak torque which is a special requirement of any vehicle drive. A 36 volts ...Show More