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F. H. Ruddell
Also published under: F. Ruddell
Northern Ireland Semiconductor Research Centre
School of Electronics
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen''s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
Fred H. Ruddell received the B.Eng. degree (first-class honors) in electronic and information engineering in 1986 and the Ph.D. degree in silicon microelectronics technology in 1990, both from Queen's University, Belfast, U.K.,He is currently an industrially sponsored Research Fellow working on imager technology and Ge devices. In addition to post-doctoral research posts, he has worked at GEC-Marconi Materials Technology Ltd., Caswell, U.K., and Lucas Stability Electronics, Antrim, U.K. He has authored and co-authored 20 research publications in the areas of rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition, GaAs device technology, silicon wafer bonding, and silicon-on-insulator technology.,Dr. Ruddell is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Engineer, Ch... Author's Published Works