P. R. Drum - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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The paper gives an overview of the new IEEE standard C37.92, which defines a low-voltage (11.3 V max) analog signal interface between new types of electronic sensors, and microprocessor-based protective relays or intelligent electronic devices. The application requirements are described; the technical specifications of the interface are summarized. The paper explains electromagnetic-environment co...Show More
This paper describes the integration of the LSD metacomputing infrastructure and the MIMO Middleware MOnitor. LSD represents a latency-based approach for distributing jobs implemented as Java threads within a set of given computational resources. The MIMO monitoring system provides a framework and infrastructure for building online tools for distributed, heterogeneous platforms; additionally a too...Show More
Relay engineers have had to rely on many sources to compile information on current transformer application. Typically, they have drawn on relay application and transformer textbooks, manufacturer publications, and standards. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive one source document, the power system relaying committee has produced the C37.110-1996 guide for the application of current transforme...Show More
Low-ratio toroidal current transformers (CTs) are in existence in many locations on power systems. The majority of these CTs are in the auxiliary switchgear at generating stations, but are not limited to this application. The ratio of the CTs used in this application is usually selected to accommodate metering and overload protection. The problem addressed is the absence of consideration in this r...Show More
This report presents the results of an extensive survey of electric utility practices for the protection of distribution lines at substations. Results of similar surveys were published in 1983 and in 1988. In this survey, the first eight sections were comparable to the earlier surveys. In addition, these sections were expanded to collect more data on the reasons behind a practice and on the method...Show More
Power line carrier (PLC) is a popular method of communicating protective relaying information between line terminals of a protected power transmission line. This paper describes the results of a 1990 survey of utility engineers on their PLC equipment selection and applications, and PLC equipment maintenance practices and problems.<>Show More
The Optical Channels for Protective Relaying Working Group of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee performed a survey of industry practices for applying optical channels, both planned and installed, for protective relaying communications. This report summarizes the sizes of the existing and planned optical fiber network, the types of construction, whether the relaying channels are on dedicated...Show More
This report presents the results of an extensive survey of utility practices for the protection of distribution lines at the substation. In this survey, the first eight sections were comparable to earlier surveys. In addition, these sections were expanded to collect more data on the reasons behind a practice and on the methods used. A ninth section was added to address the impact of dispersed sour...Show More
Low ratio toroidal current transformers (CTs) exist in many locations on power systems. The majority are in the auxiliary switchgear at generating stations. The ratio of the CTs used in this application is usually selected to accommodate metering and overload protection. The problem addressed is the absence of consideration in this ratio selection for fault protection. Analysis of some fault cases...Show More