C. Fromen - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-22 of 22 results


This paper reviews a number of mathematical models used to represent the nonlinear behavior of the magnetic core of instrument transformers. Models of instrument transformers using these core representations are presented. The transient response of the instrument transformer is compared to actual test results recorded in the laboratory. The paper provides practical guidelines as to which of the ph...Show More
The practice of tripping the generator breakers immediately following a boiler/turbine trip exposes a steam turbine generator to a potentially damaging overspeed operating condition. This paper describes the use of the sequential trip mode as a means of minimizing the exposure to possible unit damage following a boiler/turbine trip. Included is a comparison of the application of devices used by se...Show More
The practice of tripping generator breakers immediately following a boiler/turbine trip exposes a steam turbine-generator to a potentially damaging overspeed operating condition. This paper describes the use of the sequential trip mode as a means of minimizing the exposure to possible unit damage following a boiler/turbine trip. Included is a comparison of the application of devices used by severa...Show More
The practice of tripping the generator breakers immediately following a boiler/turbine trip exposes a steam turbine generator to a potentially damaging overspeed operating condition. This paper describes the use of the sequential trip mode as a means of minimizing the exposure to possible unit damage following a boiler/turbine trip. Included is a comparison of the application of devices used by se...Show More
This paper reports on power transmission distance relay application testing using simulated transient waveforms. Power system modeling and test procedures using modern digital simulators are presented. An extensive study of five commercial relays, comparing their application for a 345 kV transmission line, is carried out by performing thousands of one-terminal and synchronized two-terminal transie...Show More
This paper describes an implementation framework for an intelligent generator monitoring system. This solution is based on a high performance front-end data acquisition system and real-time processing of electrical signals and contacts from related protective relays, circuit breakers, and switches. Based on this data, the system performs continuous monitoring of the electrical part of the generato...
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This paper describes a test method for distance relays using an advanced open-loop digital simulator. Derivation of test signals during prefault and fault, and test procedure are introduced. It is demonstrated that the method of generating test signals and the procedure of applying them to a relay under test directly affect test results. Prefault voltage and current are also a very important facto...Show More
This paper presents the results of an EPRI study on development of a new method for coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT) frequency response measurements from the secondary side. The method is especially suitable for field measurements since it does not require any internal CCVT disassembly or access to its individual components. It has been verified by performing the field measurements on...Show More
Houston Lighting & Power funded Texas A&M to develop an expert system based automatic disturbance analysis system that would satisfy the following requirements: PC-based system for substation application; direct interface to the existing digital fault recorder (DFR) system; graphical user interface (GUI) for viewing of results; database management for storing results; and a modem interface to the ...Show More
This paper describes an EPRI study of current transformer (CT) digital models intended for protective relay transient performance analysis. Experimental evaluation of CT models implemented using the Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) was carried out. Two relaying CTs with 600/5 and 2000/5 ratios were used in the study. Experiments in a high power laboratory were performed to obtain transient...Show More
Digital fault recorders (DFRs) are used in substations to capture recordings of various disturbances and fault events. Protection engineers use these recordings to identify reasons for particular operation of protection relays and circuit breakers. In performing this task protection engineers use their expertise related to specific power system conditions, equipment and operations. This paper desc...Show More
The authors describe the development by EPRI of digital coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT) models that are intended for digital simulation of fault transients. Experimental techniques for laboratory measurements of the CCVT parameters are outlined. A sensitivity study was performed to identify the influence of various CCVT parameters on the transient behavior relevant for the relaying s...Show More
For pt.I see ibid., vol.6, no.4, p.1427 (1991). Evaluation steps undertaken in the analysis of the DYNA-TEST simulator performance are described. The evaluation assumes comparison of the simulator output waveforms obtained using simulated data with the reference waveforms obtained through recording of an actual fault event. Tests are done using specific utility data. Particular attention is given ...Show More
The authors describe a new digital dynamic testing (DYNA-TEST) simulator developed for protection relay applications. This simulator is capable of producing voltage and current transients that correspond to actual fault events in the power systems. Fault transients are generated either by simulating power system faults using an electromagnetic transient program or by replaying records of fault sig...
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An analysis is conducted of the performance of pilot relay schemes under fault conditions. While it is recognized that this type of investigation can take many directions, the use of relay targets being one such avenue of inquiry, this study concentrates on performance evaluations through the application of fault recorders and sequence-of-event recorders. The specific analog and digital quantities...Show More
The disruptive failure of distribution transformers is a subject of increasing concern to both manufacturers and users. This paper studies the problem as it relates to pad-mounted URD systems and suggests the use of current-limiting fuses as a possible solution. Several application considerations are also examined.Show More