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T. Maruyama - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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The beam delivery system for the linear collider focuses beams to nanometer sizes at its interaction point, collimates the beam halo to provide acceptable background in the detector and has a provision for state-of-the art beam instrumentation in order to reach the ILCs physics goals. This paper describes the design details and status of the baseline configuration considered for the reference desi...Show More
The GaAsP/GaAs superlattice (SL) structure has been widely recognized as the most efficient spin polarized electron source with 90% maximum polarization and more than 1% quantum efficiency. The main spin depolarization mechanisms in these structures are: interband absorption smearing due to band-edge fluctuations, hole scattering between the heavy hole (HH) and light hole (LH) states that causes a...Show More
Spin-polarized electrons are commonly used in high energy physics. Future work will benefit from greater polarization. Polarizations approaching 90% have been achieved at the expense of yield. The primary paths to higher polarization are material design and electron transport. Our work addresses the latter. Photoexcited electrons may be preferentially emitted or suppressed by an electric field app...Show More
The SLC polarized electron source (PES) can meet the expected requirements of the International Linear Collider (ILC) for polarization, charge and lifetime. However, experience with newer and successful PES designs at JLAB, Mainz, Nagoya and elsewhere can be incorporated into a first-generation ILC source that will emphasize reliability and stability without compromising the photocathode performan...Show More
The QD0 quadrupole, the final focus magnet closest to the Interaction Point (IP) for the ILC 20 mr crossing angle layout, must provide strong focusing yet be adjustable to accommodate collision energy changes for energy scans and low energy calibration running. It must also be compact to allow disrupted beam and Beamstrahlung coming from the IP to pass outside into an independent instrumented beam...Show More
This report describes studies performed in the framework of the Collimation Task Force organized to support the work of the second International Linear Collider Technical Review Committee. The post-linac beam-collimation systems in the TESLA, JLC/NLC and CLIC linear-collider designs are compared using the same computer code under the same assumptions. Their performance is quantified in terms of be...Show More
The Next Linear Collider (NLC) injector system is designed to produce low emittance, 10 GeV electron and positron beams at 120 hertz for injection into the NLC main linacs. Each beam consists of a train of 95 bunches spaced by 2.8 ns; each bunch has a population of 1.15/spl times/10/sup 10/ particles. At injection into the main linacs, the horizontal and vertical emittances are specified to be /sp...Show More
Recent developments in the design of the Next Linear Collider (NLC) positron source based on updated beam parameters are described. The unpolarized NLC positron source consists of a dedicated 6.2 GeV S-band electron accelerator, a high-Z positron production target, a capture system and an L-band positron linac. The 1998 failure of the SLC target which is currently under investigation may lead to a...Show More
A major improvement in the performance of the SLC was achieved with the introduction of thin strained-layer semiconductor crystals. After some optimization, polarizations of 75-85% became standard with lifetimes that were equal to or better than that of thick unstrained crystals. Other accelerators of polarized electrons, generally operating with a much higher duty factor, have now successfully ut...
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The SLAC Gun Test Laboratory apparatus, the first two meters of which is a replica of the SLAC injector, is used to study the production of intense, highly-polarized electron beams required for the Stanford Linear Collider and future linear colliders. The facility has been upgraded with a Mott polarimeter in order to characterize the electron polarization from photocathodes operating in a DC gun. ...Show More
Compton scattering provides a fast and accurate measurement of the longitudinal polarization of electron beams available at linear colliders. At the SLC, green (532 nm) circularly polarized light from an Nd:YAG laser, frequency doubled, collides nearly head-on with electrons after they have passed the e/sup +/e/sup -/ interaction point but before they have encountered any dipole bending magnets. U...
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Electron spin polarization in excess of 70% has been observed in photoemission from a 0.1- mu m-thick epitaxial layer of In/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As, with x approximately=0.13 grown on a GaAs substrate. Under these conditions, the epitaxial layer is expected to be highly strained by the 0.9% lattice mismatch, as confirmed by X-ray diffractometer measurements of the lattice parameter. The electron polar...Show More
During the 1990 SLC (Stanford linear Collider)/Mark II runs, machine backgrounds visible in the new vertex detectors were studied. From the start, synchrotron background in the main Mark II tracking chamber was significantly reduced from the prior year's run. Occupancies, which had been 15% to 20% during the previous year, were now below 5%. The improvement is attributed to the additional collimat...Show More