Author details
Takashi Saida
Also published under: T. Saida
NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
Kanagawa, Japan
Takashi Saida (M'99) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1993, 1995, and 1998, respectively.,From 1996 to 1998, he was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 1998, he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Ibaraki, Japan, where he was involved in research and development on functional silica-based planar lightwave circuits. From 2002 to 2003, he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, on leave from NTT laboratories. In 2006, he joined NTT Electronics Corporation, Ibaraki, and is the Director of Design Group at PLC business unit. He is currently with NTT Device Innovation Center, Kanagawa... Author's Published Works