Author details

Frédéric Mallet
Also published under: F. Mallet, Frederic Mallet, Fréderic Mallet
Université Côte d’Azur
Inria, i3s, Nice, France
Frederic Mallet (M’99) received the Ph.D. degree from Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, in 2000, and the Habilitation degree in 2010.,He was a Research Associate with Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, U.K., from 2001 to 2003, and a Professor with East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, from 2014 to 2015. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science with Université Nice Sophia Antipolis. He researches on the definition of sound models and tools for the design and analysis of embedded systems and cyber-physical systems. He is a Permanent Member of the Aoste Team, a joint team between Inria Sophia Antipolis Research Center, Valbonne, France, and I3S Laboratory (Cnrs UMR), Sophia Antipolis.,Dr. Mallet has been a Voting Me... Author's Published Works