A. Witzig - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Penetration of the waveguide mode into the substrate has some effects in Nitride-based semiconductor lasers grown on Silicon Carbide while it is usually not a problem in Arsenide-based devices. We observe oscillations in the red part of the measured gain spectrum of an (Al,In)GaN semiconductor lasers. These have been attributed to the presence of a standing wave in the substrate. We use a finite e...Show More
The analysis of filter devices based on eigenmodes provides a facile and fast means to simulate the reflection and transmission function and shows good agreement with the measurements. The computing time is proportional to the number of eigenmodes, and the analysis yields an analytical expression for the transfer functions. The method can be easily applied on the analysis of geometries which are n...Show More
Optical modes of microcavities are determined by solving Maxwell's vectorial wave equation subject to an open boundary taking radiation, diffraction effects, optical gain and absorption into account. Using a continuation scheme the optical problem is solved together with the electro-thermal device equations in a self-consistent fashion. The model is suitable for the analysis of a wide range of VCS...Show More
A simulation scheme which fully reflects the 3D nature of tunable multi-section distributed Bragg reflector lasers is presented. In the simulator used for this work, 3D charge carrier transport is modeled by the drift-diffusion and Poisson equations and temperature is included by balance formalism.Show More
A systematic methodology for the calibration of laser simulation environment is presented. This allows device designers to obtain good agreement between measurements and simulations in short time. The procedure is based on the laser simulator DESSIS-Laser and the TCAD environment GENESISe, which provides pre-processing, post-processing and numerical optimization tools. The device under investigati...Show More
The interaction of the injected carriers with the optical modes for particle and energy conservation is examined by using the commercially available device and system simulator, DESSIS. The use of DESSIS for predictive modeling in the design and optimization of high power single mode lasers is demonstrated. The device structure and design parameters including a double quantum-well active region, a...Show More
In this paper, the spectral responsivity of a photodetector is determined by extracting optical parameters (refractive index and extinction coefficients) from the reflectivity measurement data and by treating the surface recombination velocity as a free parameter. A transfer matrix method based model has been implemented to compute the optical fields within the device. The electrical simulation wa...Show More
This paper deals with the design and implementation of a self-consistent electrothermooptical device simulator for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The model is based on the photon rate equation approach. For the bulk electrothermal transport, a thermodynamic model is employed in a rotationally symmetric body. Heterojunctions are modeled using a thermionic emission model and quant...Show More
To enable stable pump module operation at increased temperatures we have optimized our latest pump laser generation using multi-dimensional simulation tools. Poisson's equation, carrier continuity equations, and heat transport are solved self-consistently with the optical modes and the quantum-well carrier dynamics.Show More
A multidimensional semiconductor laser simulator is presented which follows a rate equation approach for the coupling between optics and electronics. Capture and emission rates for the bound and free carriers are used for the quantum well. The electronic equations and the optical equations are solved in a self-consistent manner for one, two, and three dimensions. As an example, an InGaAs quantum-w...Show More
In this presentation, a fully 3-dimensional laser simulator for quantum well laser diodes has been developed which is based on DESSIS/sub -ISE/. It utilizes a rate equation description for the coupling between optics and electronics. Capture and emission rates for the bound and free carriers are used for the quantum-well. The electronic and the optical equations are solved in a self-consistent man...Show More
This paper presents the coupling of two commercially available simulation codes: DESSIS-ISE, a multidimensional semiconductor device and circuit simulator, and EMLAB-ISE, an electromagnetic-field solver based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Full-wave electromagnetics and nonlinear devices are simulated in a coupled self-consistent way using the lumped-element approach. The acti...Show More