Bin Xian - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This article proposes the probabilistic inference-based local path planner, a local trajectory planning method for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The trajectory planning problem is formulated as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem. The Gaussian process (GP) is utilized, and various distribution functions are designed to construct a comprehensive probabilistic model that meets the qu...Show More
This article proposed a new fixed-time trajectory tracking control strategy based on the disturbance observer (DOB) for a tilt trirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (TTUAV), which is subject to unknown external disturbances. To facilitate the TTUAV's trajectory tracking controller design, the dynamic model of the TTUAV is divided into two subsystems, the position subsystem (outer-loop) and the attitude...Show More
In this article, we investigate the control technique for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle with a slung load. By taking the advantage of the cascade property, a new hierarchical control scheme is designed that divides the control problem into three parts. For the attitude motion control of the quadrotor, the nonsingularity terminal sliding mode-based control law is proposed. For the translation...Show More
To account for the practical applications of the quadrotor helicopter UAV slung-payload transportation system and the variety of the cable connecting the UAV and the payload, this paper modifies the dynamics of the UAV slung-payload system and proposes a geometric-based nonlinear controller to achieve accurate trajectory tracking. Inner and outer loop controllers are jointly designed, and Lyapunov...Show More
This article focuses on the position and attitude tracking control design for an underactuated small-size unmanned helicopter. Considering the modelling uncertainties and the unknown external disturbances associated with the small-size unmanned helicopter, a new geometry-based adaptive tracking controller on special orthogonal group (SO(3)) is developed. To overcome the singularity and ambiguous i...Show More
Compared with the traditional periodic control methodology, the event trigger based control strategy is an advanced control strategy to make optimal utilization of resources while remaining the control performance at the same time. In this paper, the limited on board computing resource is considered, and the event trigger based nonlinear control strategy is proposed for a small size unmanned helic...Show More
A class of continuous robust controllers termed Robust Integral of the Sign of the Error (RISE) have been published over the past two decades as a means to yield asymptotic tracking error convergence and asymptotic identification of time-varying uncertainties, for classes of nonlinear systems that are subject to sufficiently smooth bounded exogenous disturbances and/or modeling uncertainties. Desp...Show More
This article presents a novel adaptive controller for a small-size unmanned helicopter using the reinforcement learning (RL) control methodology. The helicopter is subject to system uncertainties and unknown external disturbances. The dynamic unmodeling uncertainties of the system are estimated online by the actor network, and the tracking performance function is optimized via the critic network. ...Show More
In this article, a new nonlinear robust fault-tolerant position tracking control law is proposed for a tilt tri-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) under unknown rear servo's stuck fault together with parametric uncertainties and unknown external disturbances. The immersion and invariance approach is employed to design the adaptive controller for the position loop of the UAV. For the attitude loop...Show More
This paper proposes a learning control based attitude tracking control method for a small size unmanned helicopter. The helicopter is subject to uncertain system parameters, unmodeling dynamics, and unknown external disturbances. To improve the flight control performance, a new learning based nonlinear robust control strategy is designed to let the helicopter track a desired attitude trajectory. T...Show More
This paper presents a new geometry based attitude and position controller for a small size unmanned helicopter, which is able to achieve the agile flight maneuvers in a large flight envelope. The controller is designed on SE(3) by using the geometry control technology, which avoids the singularity inherented in the Euler angles based attitude representation, and unwinding behaviours existed in the...Show More
In this paper, an observer based robust trajectory tracking control scheme is proposed for a tilt trirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The UAV’s system is divided into two subsystems denoted as the position subsystem and the attitude subsystem. As the tilt trirotor UAV is a typical underactuated system, a new backstepping based nonlinear robust controller is developed to let the tilt trirotor U...Show More
In this article, the control problem for the underactuated dynamic system, which consists of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle and a suspended payload is investigated under the effects of unknown exogenous disturbances. A novel nonlinear controller based on the robust integral of the sign of the error is developed to deal with the position trajectory tracking control and the antiswing control of...Show More
This brief focuses on the control design for the aerial cargo transportation system that consists of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a cable-suspended payload. The underactuated properties associated with the system dynamics bring great challenges for the control development. Partial feedback linearization methodology is employed to formulate a nonlinear controller that yields an exp...Show More
In this article, a novel online antiswing trajectory planning approach is proposed for a quadrotor slung-load system, which is an underacuated, strong coupling, and nonlinear system so that it is difficult to achieve the quadrotor's precise positioning and the payload's swing suppression simultaneously. The proposed trajectory planning approach is efficient and convenient without iterative optimiz...Show More
In this paper, the control problem for an underactuated quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a suspended payload is investigated. An energy-based nonlinear controller is proposed that is able to control the quadrotor UAV's position and the payload's swing angle asymptotically. An adaptive control design is developed to compensate for the unknown length of the cable which is used to connect...Show More
This paper presents a fault-tolerant control strategy to deal with the rear servo's stuck fault together with unknown exogenous disturbances of a trirotor unmanned aerial vehicle. A supertwisting-based observer is utilized to estimate the rear servo's stuck fault which is unknown, and a robust integral of the signum of the error based fault-tolerant controller is designed to compensate for the obs...Show More
In this article, the problem of the trajectory tracking control for the system of the quadrotor UAV with a suspended load is studied. By employing the backstepping technology, the virtual control law is designed to track the target trajectory of the position of the quadrotor. And for the swing angle of the suspended load, a RISE(robust integral of the sign of the error)-based controller is propose...Show More
The quadrotor UAV with a slung load is a typical underactuated system because there is no direct control acting on the payload, which makes it challenging to achieve the quadrotor's precise positioning and the payload's swing elimination simultaneously. We solve the problem from the perspective of trajectory planning. An online anti-swing trajectory approach is proposed in this paper, which is con...Show More
In this paper, we present a new control strategy based on partial feedback linearization for the system of a quadrotor UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) with a suspended payload. An input-output stable based trajectory tracking control law is first proposed. To the end of stabilizing the internal system, a coupling term is then added to the input-output control law. And then the semi-global stability o...Show More
This paper presents a fault tolerant control strategy to deal with the rear servo's stuck fault of tri-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). An adaptive sliding mode based observer is utilized to estimate the rear servo's stuck fault which is unknown, and a feedback linearization based controller is designed to compensate for the rear servo's fault. To avoid the singularity associated with orientat...Show More
In this paper, we explore the possibility of designing a continuous controller for a class of nonaffine system to achieve asymptotically tracking results with robustness to system uncertainties, unvanishing disturbances, and unknown control effectiveness. A robust integral of the sign of the error design is formulated to search a robust control for the nonaffine dynamics, while a time-varying gain...Show More
In this paper, the exponentially tracking control problem for a magnetic levitation system (MLS) in the presence of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances is investigated. The disturbance/uncertainties-rejecting problem for the MLS is addressed from the view of a continuous nonlinear robust control development. Another problem of the concern is the common unidirectional input constraint...Show More
In this paper, a nano quadrotor helicopter which weighs about only 45 grams and has a diameter less than 0.15 m is employed for the autonomous flight control development in GPS-denied environments. Due to the very limited payload ability of the helicopter, a micro onboard vision system is designed to provide visual pose measurement. Then the attitude data obtained from a low cost micro inertial me...Show More
This paper presents an adaptive backstepping control design for a class of unmanned helicopters with parametric uncertainties. The control objective is to let the helicopter track some pre-defined position and yaw trajectories. In order to facilitate the control design, we divide the helicopter's dynamic model into three subsystems. The proposed controller combines the backstepping method with onl...Show More