Author details

Zhiyong Feng
Also published under: ZhiYong Feng, Zhi-Yong Feng, Zhi-yong Feng
College of Intelligence and Computing
Tianjin University
Tianjin, China
Zhiyong Feng (Member, IEEE) received the PhD degree from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1996. He is currently a professor with the College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. He has authored more than 200 articles, one book and 40 patents. His research interests include service computing, knowledge engineering, and software engineering. He is a distinguished member of China Computer Federation (CCF), a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and the Chairman of ACM China Tianjin Branch. He has served as general chair and Program Committee chair of numerous international conferences, such as ICWS, ICSS, APWeb-WAIM, etc.(Based on document published on 2 December 2024). Author's Published Works