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Pablo Gomez - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Demand and consumption for electrical energy are continuously increasing. To meet this demand, new energy sources are being harnessed, and the capacities of existing production facilities are being enhanced. Despite supply chain challenges, construction delays, and high raw material prices, between 500 and 550 GW of new renewable energy capacity was achieved globally in 2024. It is projected that ...Show More
Electromagnetic transient (EMT) inverter modeling for the study of converter/grid interactions is crucial for modern systems integrating distributed generation, electric vehicles, and microgrids. However, detailed inverter topologies are unavailable in many practical cases, precluding the implementation of analytical models. This paper presents a method for inverter model reconstruction from EMT t...Show More
The increasing deployment of distributed energy resources (DER) over the last decade is a great ally to combat climate change and strengthen the grid during increasingly common extreme weather events. However, DER systems, combined with the ongoing transition to a digital power grid, also pose substantial cybersecurity threats. One of the most common communication protocols used in DER integration...Show More
Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) have the potential to be highly disruptive to regular power grid operations. Despite the study of geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs) since the 1940s, comprehensive methods for accurate and precise analysis of their impact, especially in individual grid components, remain limited. This paper describes a method based on the synergistic use of different computatio...Show More
This paper introduces a dynamic cosimulation approach to evaluate the effect of the selection of magnetic core material in toroidal inductors for DC-DC converters under varying load conditions. This cosimulation approach is based on the combination of transient analysis and finite element analysis to investigate how different high-frequency magnetic materials perform as potential core components f...Show More
Accurate calculation of transient overvoltages and dielectric stresses from fast-front excitations is required to obtain an optimal dielectric design of power components subjected to these conditions, which are commonly due to switching and lightning, as well as utilization of power-electronic devices. Toroidal transformers are generally used at the low voltage level. However, recent investigation...Show More
Methods based on both time (t)-domain and frequency (f)-domain have been used for electromagnetic transient (EMT) analysis using both circuit-theory and field-theory approaches. Methods based on circuit theory are fast and convenient but may become inapplicable to many engineering problems due to simplifications such as the transverse electromagnetic assumptions. Moreover, t-domain-based technique...Show More
This paper introduces a Laplace-based modeling approach for the study of transient converter-grid interactions. The proposed approach is based on the development of two-port admittance models of converters and other components, combined with the use of numerical Laplace transforms. The application of a frequency domain method is aimed at the accurate and straightforward computation of transient sy...Show More
With confidentiality constraints of detailed control information of inverter-based resources (IBR), black-box models, e.g., admittance/impedance models, obtained from measurements are often used for stability analysis. This paper makes a further inquiry: If stability analysis is possible with admittance models, is it possible to produce time-domain simulation results with admittance models only? O...Show More
This paper introduces a parameter estimation method for single-phase overhead lines with frequency dependent electrical parameters. The proposed method is based on an analytical approach to solve the frequency domain 2-port nodal model for the series impedance and shunt conductance of the line per unit length as a function of the frequency. Terminal voltage and current measurements, obtained from ...Show More
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems are being considered as complementary sources for peak shaving and load levelling on traditional power grids. However, the harmonics and transients associated with this technology may threaten utility grid power quality, stability and equipment reliability. In this study, the transient behavior of a V2G system under varying grid and vehicle load conditions is examined...Show More
The development of a revolutionary design for transmission lines was recently introduced by shifting phase configurations and sub-conductors into “unconventional” arrangements that were geometrically optimized to maximize natural power. The objective of this paper is to study the electromagnetic transients that result from the simultaneous and sequential line energization and re-energization of th...Show More
The objectives of this paper are (i) to create a revolutionary design for transmission lines by shifting phase configurations and subconductors into “unconventional” arrangements that are geometrically optimized to maximize natural power, and (ii) to study electromagnetic transients owing to simultaneous and sequential line energization for unconventional high surge impedance loading (HSIL) lines ...Show More
The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) generation station relies on several factors which can be classified into three main types of parameters: electrical, mechanical, and environmental. Low-cost parameters should be prioritized for the efficient design optimization of an installed PV station. In this paper, the solar panel tilt angles are selected as the main factor to optimize the design of an ...Show More
Modern power systems face several problems at frequencies above the range of traditional stability studies due to the increasing penetration of power electronic devices. This phenomenon has been recently referred to as electromagnetic transient stability and is a growing issue in systems with power electronic converters at any power and voltage level, such as FACTS, high-voltage DC, interfaces for...Show More
Overvoltages and dielectric stresses caused by transient conditions can result in the failure of transformer windings. Adequate prediction of these conditions is generally based on the implementation of accurate computer models, which, in turn, require an accurate computation of electrical parameters. This paper analyzes the computation of frequency-dependent core and proximity losses included in ...Show More
This paper describes a method in the frequency domain to compute voltage and currents at interior points of a non-uniform multiconductor transmission line during electromagnetic transients, including the effect of time-dependent elements (such as switches). The non-uniformities of the line are incorporated into the model by means of the cascaded connection of chain matrices. This technique subdivi...Show More
Arc flash accidents are one of the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries in both construction and general industries. This paper describes the causes of arc flash and the underlying concepts associated with short-circuit fault analysis. These concepts are applied to model and simulate arc flash scenarios based on the NFPA 70E Standard - 2015 Edition. The case studies considered in this pr...Show More
Internal winding faults are the most common cause of failure in power transformers. The complicated electrical and geometrical configuration of transformers makes it difficult to produce models able to predict their behavior under transient conditions in an accurate and efficient manner. Internal fault analysis of windings requires a detailed (turn-by-turn) modeling approach that results in very l...Show More
This paper describes a Laplace-based approach for the generation of transient profile contour maps (TPCMs) of faulted transmission lines, as well as its potential application in fault location. The method to obtain transient profiles makes use of the definition of the transmission line equations in the spatial frequency - temporal frequency domain, the solution of the system in such domain, and it...Show More
A graphical method based on error images to validate the accuracy of two of the most important recently published ground-return impedance models of underground power cables is described in this letter.Show More
Modern Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) inverter output voltage produces electrical stresses on the windings of induction machines due to fast rise times. The feeder cable of this type of arrangement produces additional stresses on the windings. This paper proposes an optimized filtering technique to mitigate the transient overvoltages and reduce the associated stresses. Multi-objective optimization a...Show More
In this work, a MATLAB application is developed based on a transmission line model defined in the q-s domain (spatial-temporal frequency) for the generation of animations of electromagnetic transients in single phase transmission lines. This application can create animations of the transient response of transmission lines excited either by a voltage source connected at its sending node or by an in...Show More
In this paper a frequency domain three-phase transformer model is implemented using a nodal approach. Easiness and effectiveness of the model are demonstrated by its inclusion in a simplified distribution network. Moreover, angular displacement inherent to different connections of windings is taken into account which proves its versatility. Transient overvoltages caused by switching are computed u...Show More
In this work, a general code is obtained to facilitate the simulation of the electromagnetic transient response of a transmission line excited by a nearby lightning stroke using EMTP-type programs, namely ATP (Alternative Transients Program) and PSCAD (Power Systems Computer Aided Design). Initially, a frequency domain model of a field-excited (illuminated) line is implemented using Taylor's formu...Show More