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Babak Mozafari - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This paper proposes a novel fault tolerant consensus-based secondary voltage and frequency restoration method considering disturbances and actuator faults by using the sliding mode control for islanded microgrids (MGs). Existing distributed methods commonly design restoration layer based on the ideal condition that the actuators of distributed generations (DGs) function healthily and there are no ...Show More
We propose a novel stochastic consensus-based secondary voltage and frequency restoration scheme with communication delays and noises for islanded microgrids (μGs). Existing distributed methods commonly design restoration layer with the assumption of ideal communication among distributed generations (DGs). Albeit, the communication channels are exposed to delay and noise, whereas any DG receives d...Show More
The main problem of time delay in the application of remote signals is that it limits the contribution of the controller devices in damping inter-area oscillations, and thus to overcome this problem, we proposed a new time delayed controller in this paper. The controller takes the advantage of delay as a design parameter to solve the SVC contribution limitation problem resulting from delays in fee...Show More
In addition to the originally defined complex symmetrical components in phasor domain, the instantaneous ones are essential for power system studies in the time domain. From the basic definition, the instantaneous symmetrical components (ISCs), the zero-sequence one excluded, would be accessible following a significant time delay, making limitations on fast-responding applications. This brief deve...Show More
This paper presents analytical and simulation studies of wind farms (WFs) connected to power system through a unified interphase power controller (UIPC), which should control power flow and the short-circuit contribution of WF. The UIPC is based on an interphase power controller (IPC) in which the phase-shifting transforms are replaced by two series converters (SECs). In this paper, the UIPC model...Show More
The existence of a generalized interline power-flow controller (GIPFC) in the transmission lines changes the voltage and current signals which are measured with the protection relays of power system dynamically. In this paper, the effects of the GIPFC on the measured impedance by the loss of excitation (LOE) relay of the synchronous generator are first investigated by analytical and computational ...Show More
Taking the shunt capacitance of a transmission line, compensated by a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), as well as other affecting factors into account, and in case of a single line to ground (SLG) fault when the compensator resides in the fault path, this paper derives a precise formula for the apparent impedance seen by the ground element of a distance relay. In the case where the SS...Show More
In the present paper, a new approach for solving short-term hydrothermal scheduling problem is introduced which results in minimizing the final production cost and optimizing power generation, via honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm. Considering the fact that in hydrothermal scheduling, a large number of constraints are involved, power balance, water balance, delay time, reservoir volum...Show More
Passive islanding detection schemes are more used in utilities due to their low costs and less harmonic problems although having larger Non Detection Zones (NDZ) relative to other schemes. Passive system measurements at the point of common coupling (PCC) are the basis of this scheme. A new approach in passive techniques is the use of intelligent based methods in data-mining to classify the system ...Show More
Islanding detection methods are divided into three main groups as remote, active and passive. Although passive schemes have larger Non Detection Zones (NDZ) relative to other schemes, they are more used in utilities due to their low costs and less PQ problems than other schemes. Passive Schemes are based on the measurements of passive system parameters. These parameters are measured at the point o...Show More
Induction generator due to its simplicity and small size relative to the output power and no need for protection considerations, is a good option for wind power plants and heat recovery systems and similar power sources connected to an existing power system. But this generator has restrictions and problems such as frequency and reactive power control, and it has problem in output voltage control u...Show More
In this article in order to improve quality of produced energy from self-excited asynchronous generator, with regard to the problems such as voltage control, frequency and reactive power control under load variation and symmetrical short circuit and issues related to power quality, the use of two important FACTS devices namely STATCOM and SVC is evaluated and it is shown that these equipments have...Show More
In this paper, the impact of demand response programs (DRPs) on reliability improvement of the restructured power systems is quantified. In this regard, the demand response (DR) model which treats consistently the main characteristics of the demand curve is developed for modeling. In proposed model, some penalties for customers in case of no responding to load reduction and incentives for customer...Show More
Nowadays, there are several demand response (DR) programs which are offered to electricity customers in different countries. Accordingly system operators are usually facing with appropriate designing and pricing of DR programs that could be incentive for consumers to participate in such programs which lead to improvement of some technical and economic characteristics. In this paper, time-of-use (T...Show More
This paper explores the impact of smart grid on implementation of emergency demand response programs (EDRPs). In this regard, the power model of EDRP with consideration of incentive rate for customers who respond to reducing their loads is developed. The methodology is demonstrated through case study simulated on Iranian power system. The impact of smart grid on EDRP programs is discussed and it i...Show More
In this paper, the problem of optimal tuning of power swing damping controller (PSDC) parameters based Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is considered. This problem is formulated as an optimization problem which is solved by Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) algorithm. Furthermore, in this paper, optimal design of fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based SVC is investigated and IPSO is used to opti...Show More
Today, the interest on distributed generation has been increasing, especially due to technical development on generation systems that meet environmental and energy policy concerns. One of the most important distributed energy technologies is Combined Heat and Power (CHP). CHP is small and self-contained electric generation plan that can provide power for household applications, commercial or indus...Show More
This paper concentrates on studying the effects of SVC controller on Total Transfer Capability (TTC) of power transactions between source and sink areas using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Sequential Quadratic Programming (GA SQP). GA-SQP is a novel algorithm in power systems. The proposed algorithm is used to determine optimal placement of SVC controller and solving optimal power flow (OPF) to enhance...Show More
This paper concentrates on optimal placement of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) controller to improve voltage profile using a novel hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming (GA-SQP) method. The proposed algorithm is used to determine optimal placement of SVC controller and solving optimal power flow (OPF) to improve voltage profile simultaneously. The proposed OPF is used to impr...Show More
This paper introduces an energy supply model for a distribution company (Disco) in day-ahead electricity market. The model consists of two nested blocks, wherein, outer block maximizes Discos profits, while inner block simulates the independent system operator's (ISO's) market clearing problem and minimizes generation costs and compensation costs for interrupting load. In this model, Discos have d...Show More
This paper concentrates on optimal placement of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) controller to improve voltage profile using a novel hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic Programming (GA-SQP) method. The proposed algorithm is used to determine optimal placement of SVC controller and solving optimal power flow (OPF) to improve voltage profile simultaneously. The proposed OPF is used to impr...Show More
This paper introduces an energy supply model for a distribution company (Disco) in day-ahead electricity market. The model consists of two nested blocks, wherein, outer block maximizes Discos profits, while inner block simulates the independent system operator's (ISO's) market clearing problem and minimizes generation costs and compensation costs for interrupting load. In this model, Discos have d...Show More
The possibility of employing the demand response in the electricity market environment can lead to an improvement on the power system reliability and unit's production scheduling. To inquire these concepts, two scenarios are defined to schedule day-ahead energy and spinning reserve market simultaneously based on deterministic criteria. In the first scenario, reserve capacity can only be provided b...Show More
Lack of demand response has always been the main reason for price increasing, shortage of production capacity and system risk increasing as the electricity markets have been greatly involved during the past years. In Electricity market, the exchanges are profitable for producers and consumers when both can participate freely. Based on this new environment, we are currently facing with a new concep...Show More
In this paper a new algorithm for determination of optimal active power reserve capacity requirements and energy and spinning reserve allocation in power system during the 24 hours is presented. In the proposed method, the optimum amount of reserve capacity per hour is determined proportional to network security level required by the system operator. In this way, it is essential to define a proper...Show More