Author details

İlkay Ulusoy
Also published under: Ilkay Ulusoy, İlkay Ulusoyx, I. Ulusoy, ülkay Ulusoy
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
İlkay Ulusoy, PhD,Vice Chair - Middle East Technical University,Depart. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering METU, Üniversiteler Mh., 06800 Çankaya ANKARA / TURKEY,e-mail:,İlkay Ulusoy has been Vice Chair of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (METU) since 2016. She completed her Ph.D. in “Active Stereo Vision: Depth Perception for Navigation, Environmental Map Formation and Object Recognition” at METU and her undergraduate studies at METU and The Ohio State University. Her research interests lie in the area of signal processing, machine learning, computer vision & pattern recognition and probabilistic graphical models. She has served on roughly forty international con... Author's Published Works