Joseba Zubia - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Trifurcated optical fiber displacement sensors (OFDSs) are increasingly used in industrial and aerospace applications. The critical element of the sensor is the fiber bundle. However, there is no straightforward method to calculate it from the working specifications of the sensor, the number of fibers needed, their size, and arrangement. This work presents a simple yet accurate method to design tr...Show More
Due to its high nutritional value, olive oil is more expensive than most of other vegetable oils, making it the most common edible oil to be adulterated by oil suppliers in small percentages to obtain economic benefits. These fraudulent practices become more sophisticated every day, what gives rise to the necessity of the implementation of new more innovative and efficient methodologies. For that ...Show More
Photonic lanterns are passive devices that connect a single multimode core to several single mode cores with high efficiency [1] . Such devices are promising for applications in telecommunications as well as in sensing.Show More
In general, a sensor is used to monitor a single parameter only, and in many cases, a reference sensor is necessary to compensate the effect of temperature. Here, we demonstrate that a single supermode interferometer is capable of monitoring two parameters simultaneously. Said interferometer was fabricated with a segment of strongly coupled multicore fiber fusion spliced at the end of a standard s...Show More
Multicore fiber (MCF) sensors is an emerging research field. MCFs provide new alternatives for the development of innovative sensing devices whose performance cannot be achieved with conventional optical fibers. In general, MCFs have diameters similar to that of a standard single mode fiber (SMF) and have multiple individual cores sharing a common cladding. So far, a number of sensors based on MCF...Show More
The model and numerical results presented are mainly intended for researchers who are nowadays trying to design efficient and inexpensive solar concentrators for solar cells by using plastic optical fibers doped with suitable dyes. One issue discussed in this work is the feasibility or not of lengthening the doped fiber in order to collect more light. Another one is the feasibility of increasing t...Show More
This work reports the development and application of two liquid-core microstructured polymer optical fibers (LC-mPOF) with different microstructure sizes. They are used in a fiber-enhanced Raman spectroscopy sensing platform, with the aim of detecting glucose in aqueous solutions in the clinically relevant range for sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapy. The sensing platform is tested f...Show More
A small size and compactly packaged optical sensor for high-temperature measurements is reported. The sensor consists of a short piece of multi-core fiber (MCF) spliced to the distal end of a single-mode fiber. The packaging consists of an inner ceramic shield that prevents bending, curvature, and vibration effects on the MCF, and an outer metallic shield that protects the device against impacts. ...Show More
Summary form only given. We review recent multicore optical fiber-based interferometric sensors for vibration, strain and temperature monitoring. Simple, highly sensitive sensors operating in reflection and transmission mode have been fabricated using short segments of strongly coupled core MCFs.Show More
POF commercial active devices present a variety of designs in which fibre coupling is achieved by different connector types. The particular characteristics and tolerances of transmitter and receiver designs are behind the variability of the fibre input and output angular power distributions, and consequently, we suggest that they are the cause of the high standard deviation usually found in POF me...Show More
The present document shows the results of a comparison among three different Blade Tip Clearance (TC) optical fibre-based reflective displacement measurement systems (two custom design sensors and a commercial sensor) that have been tested in a real stage of a turbine rotor. Results so far show that custom designed sensors offer better performance, and that the front slope region offers better res...Show More
We report on a packaged interferometer built with strongly-coupled multi-core optical fiber (MCF) for vibration sensing. A miniature test mass (~0.01 g) induces cyclic bending to the MCF which results in periodic shifts of the interference pattern.Show More
This paper presents a study on the influence of the polarization of the pump beam on the emission properties of dye-doped polymer optical fibers. The fiber samples, which are pumped transversely with linearly polarized light, are graded-index polymer optical fibers doped with rhodamine 6G. The variation of the intensity and angular distribution of the output emission are theoretically and experime...Show More
In this study, we report on a microscopic refractometer built with off-center polymer spherical caps bonded on the end facet of a standard single-mode fiber (SMF). To achieve such microcaps, sub nanoliter amounts of UV-curable polymer were deposited onto the tip of SMFs that were cleaved with small angles. The working mechanism of our devices is explained as the interference of two Gaussian beams....Show More
Temperature is a major magnitude that needs to be measured in many different scenarios such as monitoring the temperature during manufacturing process, in aeronautical engine performance, or in all electrical aircraft batteries performance among others. Fiber optic temperature sensors have very interesting properties due to its potential to provide electromagnetic interference immunity, light weig...Show More
Aircraft structures and engines require periodic, scheduled inspection and maintenance operations. Such operations are time-consuming, labor intensive and a cost factor to the operations of commercial and defense aircraft fleets. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a cost-effective approach to meet operational requirements, and to reduce maintenance costs in aircrafts. Polymer fiber optic sensor...Show More
We model the light amplification in Eu-doped PMMA polymer optical fibers by solving our own rate equations that describe the physical system. These equations are firstly solved in stationary state, for a constant pump power. In this case, we determine the optimum fiber length for maximum output power. We also solve the time-dependent equations to be able to launch a pulse of signal power at the in...Show More
In contrast to conventional polymer optical fibres (POFs), single-mode microstructured POFs (SM mPOF) exhibit polarization properties that make them potentially interesting for their use in the design and development of polarimetric fibre optic systems. In spite of the theoretical sixfold symmetry of the microstructure that yields zero linear birefringence, a measurement technique reveals us that ...Show More
The use of multicore fibers (MCF) for sensing applications is discussed. In particular, we report on precision interferometric sensors based on strongly-coupled core MCF fusion spliced to conventional single mode fiber. To enhance the sensor performance, our MCF is designed to mode match a standard single mode optical fiber and to support specific supermodes which interfere in a predictable manner...Show More
Specialty optical fibres such as photonic-crystal, microstructured, multicore, and polymer optical fibres enable the design of a myriad of sensors. Different physical parameters, as for example, strain, temperature, vibration, force, etc., can modulate or perturb the guided light in a specialty optical fibre by means of elasto- or thermo-optic effects, in a similar manner than they do in standard ...Show More
In this paper the performance of a new optical sensor based on a bundle of optical fibres is analysed. An inductive sensor with proven capacity to carry out blade tip timing measurements in real aircraft engines applications is used as reference. The results of the optical sensor show a good correlation with those provided by the inductive sensor, demonstrating the suitability of the optical senso...Show More
We fabricated two types of special nonlinear, index-guiding air-silica microstructured fibers for supercontinuum (SC) generation. One fiber has an irregular structure of the holes in the cladding, and the other one has a regular structure. In both fibers, SC was generated by pumping the fibers with femtosecond pulses. The spectral features of the SC and the optimum pumping conditions were identifi...Show More
Turbine blades suffer vibrations when they rotate inside a turbo machine. The measurement of those vibrations can indicate a problem in the working regime currently in use or can assess the quality of a manufactured rotating part. In order to evaluate the vibratory state of a spinning stage in a turbo machine, the measurement of the tip clearance and the time of arrival of the blades are computed....Show More
An experimental study about the vibrational behaviour of two prototypes of a rotating disk by means of three optical sensors is presented. Both prototypes were assembled in a wind tunnel in order to reproduce real operation conditions. The optical sensors identified the vibration frequency and the nodal diameter of the first prototype by measuring the clearance of the disk to the casing of the win...Show More
The measurement of the tip clearance and the time of arrival of every single blade in rotating turbo machinery is the starting point to characterize the performance of a rotating turbine. The type of sensors employed to acquire the data for this analysis are mainly non-intrusive such as optic, capacitive, eddy-current and microwave sensors. This paper introduces the method employed to calculate th...Show More