Xiaoheng Zhang - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Although the traditional stability theory based on synchronous motor characteristics has been improved and validated for over a century, it has limitations in dealing with the rapid changes brought by renewable energy sources and high-power electronic devices in modern power systems. Research into supporting technologies has become an indispensable element in the evolution of the new power system,...Show More
Although there has been a lot of research for the traditional power system, and got a lot of effective stability analysis methods and instability mechanism because of the importance of power system stability in the power system, with energy change and power electronics development, traditional stability theory which instability identification is for a single inverter grid connection is not readily...Show More
With the shift from traditional thermal power generation to renewable energy generation modes, the power equipment used in traditional generation cannot be directly applied to renewable energy systems. Currently, power electronic converters are commonly controlled using GFL (Grid-Following) converters and GFM (Grid-Forming) converters. However, the integration of renewable energy increases the pot...Show More
Although energy reform and advances in power electronics technology have led to the transformation and upgrading of the power system, the significant increase in the share of renewable energy and power electronics in the grid has posed new challenges to the power system stability. In the traditional power system, the combination of voltage-power-angle-frequency stability and wide-band oscillation ...Show More
With the increasing proportion of renewable energy and power electronic equipment in power systems, the problems of broadband resonance and harmonic stability caused by the dynamic interaction between grid-connected inverters and the power grid become increasingly prominent. The dq impedance method based on a small signal model in the frequency domain in a synchronous rotating coordinate system is...Show More
Ensemble methods are widely used to tackle class imbalance problem. However, for existing imbalanced ensemble (IE) methods, the samples in each subset are resampled from the same dataset, and are directly input to the classifier for training, so the quality (diversity and separability) of the subsets is unsatisfactory usually. To solve the problem, a deep fuzzy envelope sample generation mechanism...Show More
Low-carbon parks have a high proportion of adjustable resources (electric heating, temperature-controlled loads, electric vehicles, etc.) that are able to store and regulate electricity in the form of power or cooling/heating without compromising user satisfaction, and have good dispatch flexibility. However, their intermittency and volatility issues pose challenges to the safe and stable operatio...Show More
The three-phase imbalance phenomenon of power system under normal operation has aroused the increasing concern of power supply and consumption departments, which will have a certain impact on the power quality of the grid. It is urgent to determine the source of imbalance in the complex distribution system, and then take appropriate governance measures to solve the problem of three-phase imbalance...Show More