In real-world environments, haze often causes a decrease in visibility, leading to potentially severe consequences. Although current methods based on the assumption of homogeneous haze density have achieved commendable results, dehazing techniques for non-homogeneous density haze still fall short in terms of visibility restoration and color accuracy. We observe that although single-stage methods h...Show More
This study examines the results of the NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Dense and Non-Homogeneous Dehazing. Innovative methods were introduced and tested using a new image dataset named DNH-HAZE. The DNH-HAZE dataset comprises 50 pairs of authentic outdoor images showcasing dense and non-homogeneous haze alongside corresponding haze-free images of identical scenes. The haze was simulated using a profession...Show More
With the wake of development of the market-oriented power sector reform and the gradual deepening of new energy, the energy structure and its supply-demand relationship in China are experiencing dramatic changes. Under such circumstance, the allocation of electric power and its surplus-shortage coordination are facing unprecedented challenges. However, the market trading mechanism concerning the s...Show More