The majority of health-related applications use technology and require a lot of data to operate. Even more, information is required for brain tumor segmentation, but many people lack access to it because of privacy laws governing medical information. Therefore, this study utilizes GAN technology, which creates synthetic images to resolve this issue. AGGrGAN is used for aggregation and discriminati...Show More
Sentiment Analysis is one of the major NLP tasks, which mainly focuses on finding polarity(sentiment) and intention for a given piece of textual data. The data can range from a sentence level to a document level. When we communicate as human to human, it is much more easier to interpret our emotions. But when it comes to machines, it becomes difficult to identify the sentiments. Sentiment Analysis...Show More
The lives of people have been affected massively with the entrance of web and internet-based life. In addition general public life is affected by mass-media. These privileges are exploited by many people due to political influence, for luxuries, increasing their social status. Covid-19 pandemic is one example where the people aren’t completely aware of daily cases due to the spread of fake feed. P...Show More
In today’s world as the technology is advancing there has been a drastic increase in the number of websites, huge amounts of data have been generated and endless options emerged to choose from when it comes to movies. When there are several options available, one might be generally confused in making their choices. To avoid that, recommender systems are the ones that plays a major part in making r...Show More