The “MULTI” workshop series has set a number of multi-level modeling challenges, each designed to allow competing multi-level modeling approaches to demonstrate their capabilities and/or to tease out their limitations. The challenges therefore have been serving a three-fold purpose: First, they have allowed technologies to demonstrate their abilities. Second, they have pointed out where technologi...Show More
Multi-level modeling (MLM) as part of object-oriented modeling aims at fully utilizing the expressive power of multiple abstraction levels. While these levels where initially used to define domain-specific modeling languages, i.e. for linguistic purposes, the MLM community has long argued that there is much more to gain by tapping into ontological abstraction levels. While MLM is a rather speciali...Show More
DeepTelos is defined as a set of rules and constraints that enable multi-level modeling for the Telos metamodeling language. In its ConceptBase implementation, rules and constraints are realized by Datalog clauses. We start with demonstrating first the core functions of Telos, use of simple rules and constraints, then the meta-level rules and constraints defining DeepTelos. A couple of examples sh...Show More
DeepTelos is a straightforward extension of the Telos modeling language to allow some form of multi-level modeling. A variant of Telos has been implemented in the ConceptBase system on top of a Datalog engine. Telos defines the concepts of instantiation, specialization and attribution/relations by means of axioms. In addition, the user can define new constructs by deductive rules, integrity constr...Show More
Power grids form the central critical infrastructure in all developed economies. Disruptions of power supply can cause major effects on the economy and the livelihood of citizens. At the same time, power grids are being targeted by sophisticated cyber attacks. To counter these threats, we propose a domain-specific language and a repository to represent power grids and related IT components that co...Show More