Ming-Yi You - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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In this letter, we look into the emitter localization task within the Direct Position Determination (DPD) paradigm. This paradigm is by essence a largest eigenvalue problem which treats the channel attenuation variables as free parameters. We consider the channel fading physical rule on electromagnetic signal propagation and reformulate the traditional DPD problem with a channel contextual prior. ...Show More
The uncertainty of sensor position significantly compromises the accuracy of source localization within the direct position determination (DPD) framework. This paper explores the use of an external calibrator that emits a calibration signal with a known position to mitigate the impact of sensor position uncertainty on localization accuracy. By utilizing the calibration signal, we develop a refined...Show More
The global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are crucial for applications such as traffic monitoring, intelligent transportation systems and advanced driver assistance systems; however, they are prone to large deviations or even failures in hidden scenarios such as urban canyons and tunnels. In this paper, we investigate a system based on distributed arrays for positioning and tracking of multip...Show More
In the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation problem with multiple incident signals and multiple snapshots, an off-grid Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OG-BOMP) algorithm is proposed to address the performance instability of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm. Under multiple snapshots conditions, the vectors of signal sources to be estimated from different snapshots exhibit joint s...Show More
In increasingly complex electromagnetic environments, distributed systems are crucial for passive target localization. These systems, consisting of spatially dispersed sensing nodes, collaboratively enhance the localization of target signals. Particularly in blind localization tasks within low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) settings, distributed passive localization offers improved positioning perfor...Show More
Cooperative sensing utilizes multiple receivers dispersed across different locations, capitalizing on the advantages of multiple antennas and spatial diversity gain. This mechanism is crucial for monitoring the availability of licensed spectrum for secondary use when free from primary users. However, the efficacy of cooperative sensing relies heavily on the flawless transmission of raw data from c...Show More
A fundamental challenge in cognitive radio is the detection of primary users in a licensed spectrum. Cooperative sensing, which utilizes multiple receivers distributed across different locations, offers the advantage of utilizing multiple antennas and achieving spatial diversity gain. However, successful implementation of cooperative sensing relies on the ideal exchange of information among cooper...Show More
The global satellite navigation system is a common tool for self-positioning, but its performance may become weak or interrupted due to obstacles in harsh environments. The application of sensor arrays provides a more flexible and independent satellite self-positioning scheme. We propose a direct self-position determination method based on the sensor array, which exploits multiple noncircular (NC)...Show More
In the context of complex electromagnetic environments, the accurate localization of weak radiation sources is susceptible to interference or obscuration caused by powerful signals. To address this issue, this study explores a direct localization algorithm which is capable of simultaneously determining the positions of multiple strong and weak sources with a moving antenna array. By leveraging the...Show More
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm-based sensing technology has become increasingly important due to its exceptional maneuverability, versatile coverage capabilities, and reliable line-of-sight (LoS) connectivity. However, the sensing accuracy improvement by exploiting resource coordination strategy poses a new challenge on multi-UAV sensing system. In this paper, we consider the problem of coope...Show More
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a practical multiple access technology in modern communication systems. In TDMA communication system, terminals share wireless channel resources in the form of frame-time slots. A frame is divided into multiple time slots, and the duration of each time slot is fixed. In order to locate TDMA communication terminal by a single station, this paper presents a me...Show More
The direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of the signal is an important task in radio signal positioning. Various methods have been investigated to cope with the DOA task. However, since the imperfect interference factors are often present in practical antenna arrays, the performance of DOA estimation is often significantly degraded. Besides, few methods deal with the DOA estimation for signals of...Show More
In this paper, we consider the problem of cooperative sensing via a system of multi-unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), where each UAV is equipped with a directional antenna to cooperatively perform detection tasks for several targets of interest. To measure the perception ability of the system, we choose the detection probability as the metric, aiming to maximize the sum detection probability of tar...Show More
This article addresses the problem of locating a stationary noncooperative emitter using multiple moving receivers. A signal baseband reconstruction-based algorithm is proposed to locate the emitter directly from the received signals, without assuming static delay and Doppler shift in any observing interval. Besides the information of time difference of arrival (TDOA) and frequency difference of a...Show More
This article proposes a direct position determination (DPD) method for stationary emitters with compressed signal measurements. Employing Hadamard matrix properties, the method estimates the source location directly in the compressing measurement domain, without the step of signal reconstruction and time-differences-of-arrival parameter extraction. In the case of free-space propagation, an augment...Show More
In this paper, we propose a time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) based outdoor localization approach using a deep neural network (DNN) with a novel weighted mean squared error (WMSE) loss. The weight is determined aided by the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of localization accuracy. A training set rebalancing strategy is proposed to approximate the WMSE loss with the classical MSE loss and make the tr...Show More
This paper develops a deep neural networks (DNNs) based direction finding approach for 2-D direction finding in multiple frequencies. The approach is frequency-unified and is capable of direction-of-arrival (DoA) prediction for multiple frequencies. A model output is proposed and proved for 2-D direction finding. In addition, different from the common mean squared error (MSE) loss, a label-depende...Show More
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms-based localization technology are gaining ever-increasing popularity in the field of electromagnetic spectrum due to their highly controllable maneuverability, on-demand coverage and line-of-sight (LoS) links. This paper considers a UAVs-based passive localization system where each UAV is equipped with a uniform circular array to locate the target by processing...Show More
Correct phase ambiguity resolution (CPAR) for a uniform circular array (UCA) phase interferometer is formally defined and some theoretic results for CPAR are derived. The probability of CPAR is numerically investigated considering the impact of baseline formulation, number of elements, radius wavelength ratio and phase measuring mechanism. Three methods for improving the probability of CPAR are pr...Show More