Ji Wu - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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The video captured in low illumination environment often has low contrast, much noise, unclear details and other problems, which seriously affects the subsequent target detection, segmentation and other computer vision tasks. Most of the existing low-light video enhancement methods are built based on convolutional neural networks. Because convolutional can not make full use of the long-term depend...Show More
The basic idea of federated learning is to aggregate the local model parameters of all participants to obtain a global model, which is more general and has better performance. However, the existing federated learning suffers from the problem of a unique model, where all participants train their local models based on the same global model, which is not suitable for multi-scenario training. In this ...Show More
With the deep integration of energy revolution and digital revolution, various new businesses, new formats and new business models are constantly emerging in the electric power industry, and new digital technologies are developing rapidly. The enterprise architecture in urgent need of power grid can be rapidly transformed to keep pace with the development of The Times. But at present, the company ...Show More