Author details

Johannes Steinbrunn
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Kempten University of Applied Science
Kempten, Germany
Johannes Steinbrunn was born in Albersdorf, Vilshofen, Germany, in October 1945. He received the M.Sc.(Dipl.-Ing.) degree in electrical engineering and communication and automation engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, in September 1972, the Ph.D.(Dr.-Ing.) degree from the University of Erlangen, Germany, in November 1978, the Dr.h.c. degree from the Technical University of Tallinn, Estonia, in 2003, and the Dr.h.c. degree from the University of Ulster, Great Britain, in 2008. In 1979, he was employed with the University of Georgia, Athens, USA, as an Exchange Scientist in the field of computer science. Back in Germany, he worked in the aerospace industry in research and development of missile technology con... Author's Published Works