Kevin Low - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-8 of 8 results


This paper presents a novel method of generating multiple simultaneous beams from a single aperture using nested randomly-spaced thinned arrays. The full array aperture is partitioned into non-overlapping thinned arrays, with each array having its own beam. Each of these thinned nested sub-arrays maintain the 3-dB beamwidth of the fully-populated aperture while also being able to scan to arbitrary...Show More
This paper presents scalable 16-element 0.1-8 GHz ultra-wideband transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) tiles with true-time-delay (TTD) beam steering. A 7 -bit (8/16/32/64/128/256/512 picoseconds) time-delay is available on every element with 30 dB gain control. The Tx channel has an output power of 25–27 dBm, while the Rx channel has a noise figure (NF) of 2.7-3.5 dB. Two Tx tiles are integrated with a ...Show More
In this article, we propose a novel method for thinning phased arrays with circular apertures, utilizing a spiral configuration of elements. A comparative study is presented between two types of thinned planar arrays—spiral and conventional diffused thinned arrays. The performance of these arrays is verified using four different filled fractions, occupying 64%, 50%, 32%, and 25% of the element cou...Show More
This paper presents a new method for thinning phased-arrays with a circular area which results in diffraction-limited performance and in wide scan angles without triggering large grating lobes. The technique relies on synthesizing a spiral pattern which requires only 50% of the element count of a fully populated (circular) phased-array having the same outside diameter. Measurements done at 29 GHz ...Show More
This paper presents a receive phased array antenna (PAA) for commercial K-band satellite communication (SAT-COM) user terminals. The active planar array is built on a multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB) using SiGe/CMOS beamformer modules. Each module services 2x2 dual-polarized antennas and has 8 low-noise amplifiers, 8 transmit reject filters and a 16-channel beamformer chip capable of two-be...Show More
This article presents a wideband scalable 17.7–20.2-GHz 1024-element $K$ -band satellite communication (SATCOM) receive (Rx) phased array with reconfigurable polarization. The phased array uses silicon Rx beamformer (BF) chips and silicon low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) and is able to receive either linear, rotated linear, circular clockwise, or anticlockwise polarization. It demonstrates a measured ...Show More
This article presents a wideband scalable 27–31-GHz 1024-element $Ka$ -band SATCOM transmit (TX) phased array with embedded RF drivers and reconfigurable polarization. The phased array uses silicon TX beamformer (BF) chips and printed stacked-patch antennas on an FR-4 based printed circuit board (PCB) to TX either linear, rotated linear, circular clockwise, or anticlockwise polarization. It demon...Show More
This paper presents a planar scalable 1024-element Ka-band SATCOM transmit (TX) phased-array with embedded RF drivers and reconfigurable polarization. The phased-array uses SiGe TX beamformer (BF) chips and printed stacked-patch antennas on a FR-4 based printed circuit board (PCB) to transmit either linear, rotated linear, circular clockwise or anticlockwise polarization. It demonstrates a measure...Show More