The spallation neutron source (SNS) project was completed with only limited superconducting RF (SRF) facilities installed as part of the project. A concerted effort has been initiated to install the infrastructure and equipment necessary to maintain and repair the superconducting Linac, and to support power upgrade research and development (R&D). Installation of a Class 10/100/10,000 cleanroom and...Show More
The superconducting linac of the spallation neutron source (SNS) has 23 cryomodules each of which incorporate either 3 or 4 niobium cavities. These cavities are submerged in a bath of liquid helium and maintained at an operating temperature of ~ 2 K. This bath is surrounded by heat shields and a multilayer blanket within the cryomodule shell. The pressure in this area needs to be maintained at <5e...Show More