A novel single-stage zero-voltage-switching pulse-width-modulation (ZVS-PWM) buck-boost inverter is proposed in this paper. The output voltage of the proposed inverter can be larger or lower than the DC input voltage, depending on the instantaneous duty-cycle. This property is not found in the classical voltage source inverter, which produces an AC output instantaneous voltage always lower than th...Show More
A novel zero-voltage-switching pulse-width-modulation (ZVS-PWM) full-bridge transformer-isolated step-up/down converter is proposed in this paper. The output voltage of the proposed converter can be larger or lower than the DC input voltage, depending on the instantaneous duty-cycle. This property is not found in the classical full-bridge transformer-isolated converter. Furthermore, in the propose...Show More
Due to the increasing requirement of precise control and equipment performance of a modern facility, the appearance of voltage harmonics in the power system has drawn great attention. Its impact on three-phase induction motors is one of the major concerns in industrial power systems. This paper uses a real load test to investigate the performances of a three-phase induction motor under different v...Show More