Zhimin Liu - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Because of the advantage of acoustic signal traveling in the water, most techniques of precisely locating AUVs adopt GPS and acoustic measurements. The development of modern GNSS techniques, attitude measuring techniques and precise underwater ranging techniques make GPS-acoustic technology possible for accurate localization of an AUV. Because the transmit angles are unknown for transducers, it is...Show More
In this paper, we investigates the traffic flow time series observed on the Beijing second ring road over a period of about 27 days, from 0:00 a.m. on 12/6/2006 to 16:00 p.m. on 1/1/2007. Using rescaled range method, the long-range dependence of traffic time series and their conditional time series are estimated. For getting more information of the conditional series, this paper studies how the th...Show More
Preamble minislot channel access protocol (PMCAP/CDMA) is a receiver-oriented medium access protocol. PMCAP/CDMA is applied to voice and data integration networks in a single cell. A dynamic code-set assignment strategy is proposed to separate voice/data access contention and guarantee the QoS of these traffics. A PCAR (proposed code-pool assignment rule) is proposed to decrease the collision prob...Show More
The flashover along an insulating spacer surface occurred with probability under abrupt DC voltage application. A special test procedure has been proposed for the measurement of the flashover voltage with low probability (LPFV), which is used as a minimum level for the comparison of cases with and without pre-charging. In the uniform field the surface of a cylindrical polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE...Show More
According to the characteristics of the auditory periphery and cochlear nucleus, as well as attempting to simulate the mechanism of auditory system as a whole, two kinds of novel speech feature are presented in this paper, and a framework of neural network has been adopted. The two features considered are: the weighted average localized synchronized rate cepstrum, and the weighted firing rate ceps...Show More