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Shady H. E. Abdel Aleem - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-16 of 16 results


This paper explores the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable-based distributed generation (RDG) into distribution systems (DSs) as a strategy for sustainable development. This integration offers benefits such as reducing emissions and enhancing renewable energy use. However, improper integration can compromise the reliability of DSs, particularly due to issues like overvoltage, ove...Show More
Fossil fuels are burned in conventional transportation vehicles, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The expanding population requires the quick creation of an alternative way of transportation. Since they emit less pollutants into the environment, Electric Vehicles (EVs) will be the foundation of transportation systems of the future. On the other hand, it is impossible to overlook...Show More
The main target for any power system is to generate, transmit, and distribute electrical power safely and reliably. The earthing system is one of the most essential foundations of a safe and reliable electric grid. Earthing system provides a safe path to earth for electric currents in the event of hazardous faults and transient events such as earth faults and lightning strikes. In addition, the ea...Show More
This study uses Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) as an optimization technique. Shunt-passive and series-passive filters have been investigated to reduce the harmonic distortion associated with AC drive loads while accounting for utility source and load non-linearities. DC drives represented by their equivalent current source model are much more common in practice. On the opposite side, AC dr...Show More
This article deals with the black-box modeling of synchronous generators based on artificial neural networks (ANN). The ANN is applied to define the relationship between the excitation and terminal generator voltage values, and the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is used for determining the ANN weight coefficients. The relation is made based on generator response on reference voltage step changes. T...Show More
In this paper, we use a nonlinear model of a grid-connected Archimedes wave swing (AWS) to explore the actual generation potential of this wave energy conversion system. Our model has never been used before for a grid-connected AWS. The control system employs six proportional-integral (PI) controllers to maximize the energy harvest from waves, to minimize the generator power losses, and to maintai...Show More
In this article, two novel approaches for identifying the synchronous generator (SG) parameters are presented. The proposed approaches use an experimentally obtained armature current during the short-circuit test as input data. Both approaches are simple, cost-effective, and practical since they do not require any additional equipment for signal generation nor applying any of the advanced control ...Show More
In this paper, optimal allocation of shunt capacitors and distributed generation (DG) units are discussed considering electrical harmonic problems. To specify the harmonic-based parameters, harmonic power flow was employed by using the decoupled harmonic power flow approach (DHPF), then the allocation of shunt capacitors was done, and its results were discussed. After analyzing the results of capa...Show More
Improving the performance of distribution networks is an important goal for power system operators. Many technologies can make this required improvement, such as network reconfiguration or reinforcement, supplying the grid with active and reactive power compensators such as distributed power generation units (DGs), shunt capacitor banks (CBs), or installation of voltage conditioners such as voltag...Show More
In this paper, the coronavirus herd immunity optimizer (CHIO) was applied to solve the transmission line expansion planning (TEP) problem. CHIO was examined to solve AC and DC optimal power flow-based models, which are commonly used to formulate the TEP problem. Moreover, the impact of incorporating reactive power compensator allocation and TEP was extensively studied. A benchmark system (24 bus s...Show More
This paper presents the economic analysis and optimal energy management of a grid-connected MG that comprises renewable energy resources and different battery storage technologies with different characteristics such as initial charge, depth of discharge, and the number of charging/discharging cycles to minimize the total operating cost of the system by maximizing the benefits of BSS, minimizing th...Show More
The operation of Microgrid (MG) is gradually developing to achieve more reliable operation that ensures high power quality, low-gas emission, and low total cost. Output power of renewable energy resources is intermittent because it is affected by the environmental factors. Thus, energy storage system (ESS) is used to support renewable energy resources and helps it to be integrated in the MG with h...Show More
In recent years, the integration of distributed generation (DG) sources in electrical distribution systems has become increasingly essential due to their multiple advantages such as power loss reduction, voltage profile improvement, and relieved system's congestion. These benefits can be obtained by optimal sizing and placement of the DG sources. In this paper, a recent population-based optimizati...Show More
Optimal conductor selection can reduce the electrical power losses and enhance the voltage profile of electrical power systems in a cost-effective manner. In this paper, a recent population-based optimization, known as sine-cosine optimization algorithm (SCA), is used for the optimal selection of conductors in radial distribution networks. A current library of conductors based on actual manufactur...Show More
Nowadays, considering the time-varying nature of harmonic sources is a significant trend in the power quality studies. In this research, the optimum sizing of multiple-steps passive LC compensator for maximum power factor and minimum transmission loss for non-linear loads under time-varying conditions of background harmonic voltages, system impedance, and load impedance, is determined. The source ...Show More
Transformers and cables have overheating and reduced loading capabilities under non-sinusoidal conditions due to the fact that their losses increases with not only rms value but also frequency of the load current. In this paper, it is aimed to employ passive filters for effective utilization of the cables and transformers in the harmonically contaminated power systems. To attain this goal, an opti...Show More