Yuan Liao - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-15 of 15 results


In information age, carrying out network education is the most effective way for universal education and lifelong education. On a macro level, the status of network education development greatly reflects the development level of modern education of a country or a region. This paper introduces the design and implementation of a WebRTC based online video teaching system on android OS. This teaching ...Show More
State estimation is important for real time power system monitoring and control. State estimation algorithms may suffer divergence under stressed system conditions. Understanding state estimation divergence characteristics is essential for designing more robust state estimation algorithm. This paper investigates impacts of variations of load levels and topology errors on the convergence property o...Show More
For the squint-looking synthetic aperture radar (SAR), this paper quantitative analyzes the effect of Doppler parameter estimation errors on the static target position. The position of target can be analytically given in the ultimate SAR image with the estimated Doppler parameters with errors. Different from the side-looking SAR, it is found that not only the estimation error of Doppler centroid b...Show More
Intelligent vehicle obtains path information by computer vision, and tracks detected path automatically by intelligent control. Through imitating preview driving behavior of human, and integrating driving experience of excellent drivers, an simple and effective preview fuzzy control method for path tracking of intelligent vehicle is presented in this study. The preview fuzzy control method adjusts...Show More
This paper presents some observations related to distance protection for power system transmission lines. Classical distance protection relays adopt the line terminal voltage and line current to calculate the distance between the fault and the relay location and then make a decision on whether a tripping signal should be issued and, if so, what the time delay should be. An interesting question is:...Show More
Transmission line parameters are inputs to various power system analysis algorithms and precision of these parameters are thus important in ensuring the analysis accuracy. This paper proposes methods for estimating positive-sequence line parameters of series compensated lines. Voltages and currents from two ends of the line are utilized. In addition, algorithms for estimating parameters of non-com...Show More
An Energy Management System (EMS) is a complex computer system for controlling the real time operation of electric power systems. An EMS consists of a set of subsystems that are composed of various applications, tools, and data stores. These different parts of the system interface with each other in terms of function invocation and data exchange. An EMS may also need to interact with external syst...Show More
Various decision making methods have been proposed in the past for diverse applications. However, there is still a need for improvement: existing methods are either time consuming or difficult to expand when needed. This paper presents a novel decision making method based on binary feature matrix. This new method has the advantages of easier expansion of the rule set with additional features and b...Show More
Large scale generation resource scheduling optimization problem is usually very hard to solve due to its combinatorial nature. Various algorithms such as Lagrangian relaxation based algorithm, Benders algorithm, and genetic algorithms have been proposed in the past to tackle this problem. One challenge facing researchers is how to determine which algorithm to use and how to test and compare the pe...Show More
This paper presents latest application experiences in dual optimization performance in Lagrangian relaxation (LR) method for solving power system resource scheduling problems. LR is widely used in solving a common class of optimization problems where the removal of the coupling constraints results in a collection of subproblems that can be independently and efficiently solved. The overall efficien...Show More
In typical open power markets, generating units are allowed to bid their energy and capacity to energy and ancillary service markets at the same time. The system operator uses an optimization procedure to determine the accepted bids of units and clearing prices of different markets. Since the same generating unit can participate different markets simultaneously, different markets may impact one an...Show More
This paper discusses the impact analysis of enforcing emission compliance program on competitive power market operation using an electricity market simulation program, GridView. Certain environmental acts and programs on electricity generating units have imposed various emission constraints. To comply with the required limits, the commitment and dispatch of individual units may need to be adjusted...Show More
Market simulation is an essential approach for providing insights into the behavior of complicated power systems and volatile electricity markets. By performing transmission and security-constrained optimization of the system resources against spatially distributed loads, market simulation tools can produce realistic projection of market clearing prices and asset utilization levels across the tran...Show More
Complex software systems with new features and functionality are under development for the deregulated power industry. Due to the increased complexity of the design and the operating environment, these new systems become more vulnerable to malfunctions or failures. Quality control becomes more critically important than ever because inadequate quality control can cause devastating effects on the on...Show More
Object-oriented programming has received wide acceptance in power system applications. The main advantages achieved by using the object-oriented techniques include easy maintenance, enhanced expandability and inherent implementation flexibility. This paper presents recent software developments of a fault location system implemented using object-oriented approaches and C++ programming language. The...Show More