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In this paper, we propose a fuzzy visual servo control algorithm to the path tracking applications of a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot (WMR). The algorithm mainly consists of a path shape tracking algorithm and a robust visual servo controller. The path shape tracking algorithm is designed to detect the shape contours of the path, extract the shape parameters, and continuously track the path. B...Show More
In this paper, an H∞ adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode control scheme is proposed for controlling parallel manipulators with nonlinear unmodeled dynamics, external disturbances, and approximation errors. First, the parallel manipulator is formulated as an error dynamics according to a specified reference model. Then, an adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode control scheme is developed to tackle ...Show More
In this paper, a trajectory tracking control strategy by elliptic collision-Free approach is proposed for guiding and following mobile robots. Each robot is setup with a single eye camera to capture the image of a guiding robot or obstacle. The image between them is converted to a gray form, and then to the gradient for each pixel of Gaussian pyramid level to estimate the motion parameters, distur...Show More
Robotic systems have inherently nonlinear phenomena as joints undergo sliding and/or rotating. This in turn requires that the system running states be predicted correctly. This paper makes a full analysis of the robot states by applying observer-based adaptive wavelet neural network (OBAWNN) tracking control scheme to tackle these phenomena such as system uncertainties, multiple time-delayed state...Show More
In this paper, steering and balance controls of an unmanned electrical bicycle (e-bicycle) using an integral sliding mode control scheme including adaptive neural network disturbance elimination is proposed. The e-bicycle has three degrees of freedom in the space, and they are driven by an in-wheel brushless motor setup in the rear wheel and a servomotor on the saddle seat post steers for handleba...Show More
In this paper, a delay-based H∞ tracking performance scheme for chaotic systems with output delays is proposed. The Takagi and Sugeno fuzzy model with adaptation capability is employed to approximate the chaotic system. Based on the fuzzy model, a fuzzy observer-based controller is developed to achieve the H∞ control performance when system with external disturbance rejection. The fuzzy adaptive o...Show More
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy integral sliding mode control scheme with H∞ tracking performance is proposed for parallel manipulators to attenuate the effects caused by nonlinear unmodeled dynamics, external disturbances, and approximation errors. First, the parallel manipulator is formulated as an error dynamics according to a specified reference model. Then, an adaptive fuzzy integral sliding...Show More
In this paper, a novel observer-based adaptive fuzzy control scheme is proposed for nonaffine nonlinear systems with unknown structure of nonlinearities. The Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is used for representing the nonaffine part of the system, where the parameters of the fuzzy model are updated online according to Lyapunov stability theorem. Based on Lyapunov theory, the stability of the clos...Show More
In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to analyze and minimize fixed-point arithmetic errors for digital filter implementations based on eigenvalue sensitivity measures. First, uncertainties of the filter-parameter caused by roundoff and computational errors are expressed in function of register length for fixed-point implementations. Sequentially, based on fixed-point statistical model and n...Show More
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control scheme is proposed for biped robotic systems. A reference model with the desired amplitude and phase properties is given to construct an error model. A fuzzy system is used to approximate an unknown controlled system. The adaptive fuzzy control scheme uses two adaptive machanisms, which allows for inclusion of training the weights of the fuzzy system and th...Show More
In this paper, we propose an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control scheme (AFSCS) for continuous-time multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) linear time-varying uncertain systems. The AFSCS consists of a fuzzy controller with adaptive mechanism to reconstruct the system states using the tracking error and to make the state error reach the equilibrium point in finite time period quickly. The sliding s...Show More
In this paper, we present Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy logic control scheme for a class of large-scale time-varying uncertain systems. The proposed control scheme is comprised of a fuzzy system for the given system with uncertainties and a state feedback fuzzy controller. The parameters of the fuzzy system are updated by learning rules. The state feedback fuzzy controller is used to restrain the exte...Show More
In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller with H∞ tracking performance for uncertain nonlinear descriptor systems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeled dynamics, disturbances, and approximation errors. First, the nonlinear descriptor system is represented by an equivalent Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy model. Then, a state feedback fuzzy control scheme is developed to restrain the exter...Show More
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control scheme for fuzzy systems with multiple delayed state perturbations, timevarying uncertain parameters, and disturbances. These delayed state perturbations, uncertainties, and external disturbances in the fuzzy systems are assumed to be any uncertain bounded but unknown continuous functions. An improved adaptation law with σ-modification is proposed to estima...Show More
In this paper, a fuzzy adaptive output feedback control design method for a class of nonlinear output-delayed single-input single-output systems with guaranteed control performance is proposed. First, the Takagi and Sugeno fuzzy model is employed to approximate a nonlinear system. Next, based on the fuzzy model, a fuzzy observer-based controller is developed to achieve the control performance with...Show More
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy PID control scheme is investigated for a class of nonlinear systems with Hinfin tracking performance. Stability and robustness of the control scheme is analyzed in Lyapunov sense and a modified Riccati-like equation. It is shown that the proposed control scheme can guarantee parameter estimation convergence and stability robustness of the closed-loop system with Hi...Show More
In this paper, a robust adaptive neural-based sliding-mode observer for achieving H∞tracking performance is proposed for a class of single-output nonlinear systems with unknown internal parameters and bounded external disturbances. The nonlinear system is first transformed by state-space change of coordinates into a special observable canonical form. Then, the adaptive neural networks and the slid...Show More
This brief presents a variable structure control (VSC) algorithm to achieve the prespecified trajectory tracking on mechatronic arms. The tracking trajectory is composed of a set of sequentially-operated piecewise continuous sliding surfaces which the system's state can follow to the equilibrium in phase plane. Some sliding mode controllers corresponding to the piecewise continuous sliding surface...Show More
In this paper, we present an algorithm using distance-based two-layer fuzzy sliding mode control (DBTLF-SMC) to achieve the prespecified trajectory for a class of nonlinear systems. The tracking trajectory is composed of a set of sequentially-operated piecewise continuous sliding surfaces which the system's state can follow to the equilibrium in phase plane. The algorithm using the boundary layer ...Show More
This paper investigates a model reference fuzzy adaptive control (MRFAC) scheme for uncertain dynamical systems with known structures but unknown parameters which are dependent on known variables, multiple delayed state uncertainties, and disturbances. Each delayed uncertainty is assumed to be bounded by an unknown gain. A fuzzy basis function expansion (FBFE) is used to represent the unknown para...Show More
A novel approach is proposed to analyze and minimize fixed-point errors for digital controller implementations based on sensitivity measures in magnitude and phase-supplement-angle of eigenvalues. First, uncertainties of the controller parameters caused by roundoff and computational errors using fixed-point computations are expressed in function of register length. Then, a stability criterion of t...Show More
In this paper, an algorithm using an artificial neural network (ANN)-based direct adaptive control algorithm is presented for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with unknown output delays. This algorithm contains two parameter estimations, one for estimating unknown plant delays and the other for unknown control parameters. If the number of center frequency is enough, the predicted ...Show More
In this paper, an approach for robust stability analysis of a digital closed-loop system for digital controller implementations subject to finite word length (FWL) effects is proposed. Uncertainties caused by the roundoff and computational errors subject to FWL effects are expressed in function of mantissa bit number when the mode of floating-point arithmetic is used in the process. Then, based on...Show More
In this paper, a fuzzy-neural identification and control for uncertain robotic systems with time delays is proposed for H/sub /spl infin// tracking performance and to suppress the effects caused by multiple time-delayed state uncertainties, unmodeled dynamics, and disturbances. Each delayed uncertainty is assumed to be bounded by an unknown gain. A reference model with the desired amplitude and ph...Show More