Author details
![Image of author Biswarup Ganguly](/mediastore/IEEE/content/freeimages/6979/9916643/9758631/gangu-3164847-small.gif)
Biswarup Ganguly
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Silchar
Assam, India
Biswarup Ganguly (Member, IEEE) received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India, in 2013, and the M.Tech. degree in intelligent automation and robotics from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, in 2016, where he is currently working toward the doctoral degree in signal and image processing.,He is currently working as an Assistant Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India. His current research interests include condition monitoring of electrical and biomedical systems, and applications of vision-based measurement system.,Mr. Ganguly was awarded with the University Gold Medal for standing First in Order of Merit at his M.T... Author's Published Works