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David Antoš - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 461 results


A high-gain, high-efficiency bidirectional slot antenna array utilizing metal integrated suspension line (MISL) technology is proposed. The subarray employs periodically loaded short-stubs on the primary transmission line to excite both upper- and lower-layer slots, facilitating bidirectional radiation, and achieves a wideband ranging from 35 GHz to 40.2 GHz, with the subarray's maximum gain reach...Show More
This paper proposes a hybrid resonator cell (HRC) design for compact, high-quality (Q) dual-band bandpass filters (BPFs). The HRC comprises a pair of shorted stubs loaded patches (SSLPs) with orthogonally arranged grounding nodes, which treat the two mutually coupled resonators as a dual-mode resonator cell. By loading shorted stubs, the SSLP introduces the TM00 mode, reducing the size to nearly h...Show More
This article presents a 34.8–40.8-GHz dual-mode energy-efficient linear and fast relock frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) frequency synthesizer in 28-nm CMOS for low-power, high-efficiency, high-range-resolution and comprehensive-range FMCW radars. Fast frequency-modulated (FFM) and regular frequency-modulated (RFM) modes are proposed to generate linear chirp signals with different slopes...Show More
This paper presents a nonuniform waveguide slot antenna with a flat-top beam. The radiation from the slot can be regarded as magnetic current radiation. By introducing the mode compression concept, the far-field distribution of the antenna is derived. The desired magnetic current distribution, and hence beamforming, can be achieved by adjusting the relative positions of the slots and their distanc...Show More
This letter presents the design and implementation of a new class of substrate-integrated suspended line (SISL)-based waveguide filters (SISLWFs) based on the magnetic-coupled SISL resonators (MCRs). Cavity resonators excited by the SISL via are utilized to design the passband while the 0.5 λg SISL shorted stub line (SISLSS) resonator printed on G5 layer is directly connected to the SISL via to ge...Show More
This letter presents a novel Stacked-Plate-Ball (SPB) antenna design that enhances radiation gain and impedance bandwidth by incorporating Metal Ball (MB) and Metal Plate (MP) onto the patch antenna. MB 1, MP and MB 2 are sequentially incorporated at the center of the patch. As the current flows from the microstrip line to the patch, a portion of the current simultaneously enters MB 1, MP, and MB ...Show More
A terahertz gradient-index (GRIN) dual-polarized lens with wide-angle beam-steering is designed in this paper. A novel gradient-index distribution is designed by superimposing the refractive index of the Luneburg lens and the Gutman lens to expand the beam-steering angle. The effects of the superposition ratio of Luneburg lens and Gutman lenson the scanning performance of GRIN lens are studied. Th...Show More
This letter presents the design and fabrication of a broadband frequency tripler operating in the V-band (50–70 GHz) using resistive Schottky diodes. The whole circuit is constructed on metal-integrated suspended line (MISL) technology, functioning independently of any dielectric substrate and featuring a self-packaged design. The designed bandpass filter with three short-ended lines and grounded ...Show More
This article presents a mixer-first blocker-tolerant receiver (RX) with effective switch resistance (RSW) compensation and high-Q selectivity. By analyzing the impact of non-ideal 1/N LO duty cycle and effective RSW on mixer-first RX, an effective RSW compensation technique is proposed to mitigate noise figure (NF) and out-of-band (OB) third-order intercept point (IIP3) performance degradation cau...Show More
A synthesis method for high-order-mode dipoles was proposed to enhance beamwidth and reduce sidelobe levels based on non-uniform compression. The current distribution along a high-order-mode dipole was controlled by the selected compression coefficients. By utilizing multiple independent compression coefficients, significant flexibility was provided to the dipole, facilitating the achievement of f...Show More
This article presents a compact high-linearity single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch built using a 0.13- \mu m SiGe BiCMOS technology for Ka-band 5G. The body-floating technique (BFT) based on the deep-n-well (DNW) transistor is used in the asymmetric structure to decrease substrate leakage and improve the power-handling capability in TX mode. Advanced performances have been achieved from the R...Show More
This letter reports a crossbar mixer based on the substrate-integrated suspended line (SISL) platform, with two contributions below. First, multistage stepped double-ridge waveguides are designed for the radio frequency (RF) signal coupling to the Schottky diode pair directly, with low-RF path loss as well as easier wideband matching. Furthermore, the surface roughness of the waveguide sidewall pl...Show More
A wideband millimeter-wave circularly polarized (CP) dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is proposed in this letter based on substrate-integrated suspended line (SISL). To generate CP waves, a square DRA is cut off two corners. The introduction of the dielectric ring not only serves to fix the DR, but also improves the antenna matching and axial ratio bandwidth. In order to increase the axial ratio...Show More
A differential-fed dual-polarized antenna based on substrate-integrated suspended line (SISL) technology is proposed for millimeter-wave base stations. The differential feed structure is used to improve the port isolation and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD). It adopts the method of adding coupling patches as the load to improve impedance matching and obtain broadband performance without in...Show More
A directive planar endfire antenna with high gain and miniaturized size is proposed. By utilizing the higher-order-mode currents of the dipole, the antenna achieves the endfire radiation pattern without parasitic elements (directors or reflectors) loading. The antenna keeps the position of the current null at the bend, and the higher-order-mode currents change to both forward and reverse direction...Show More
This article presents a two-way current-combining Ka-band power amplifier (PA) in a 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS process. A two-way power-combining network composed of sandwiched-coupler-balun (SCB) and folded-T-line (also known as meander line) is utilized to realize low-loss broadband large-signal impedance matching under a high impedance transformation ratio. Parallel peaking inductance is also employed ...Show More
This article proposes a slow wave metal-integrated coplanar waveguide (MICPW) with low loss and self-packaging. Since almost no substrate is used for the MICPW, there is almost no dielectric loss. The signal trace of the MICPW is embedded inside the multilayer metal boards, the overall circuit is self-packaged and there is almost no radiation loss. The slow wave effect is generated by using the sh...Show More
A two-port dipole antenna with enhanced isolation and radiation pattern diversity ability is designed. First, the first-and second-order modes are analyzed and manipulated to support radiation pattern diversity applications. Then the commonly differentially hybrid-fed (CDHF) architecture is investigated, showing the ability to realize high isolation and radiation pattern diversity. Finally, a two-...Show More
This paper presented a wideband, high-gain, and high-efficiency magnetoelectric (ME) dipole antenna array based on substrate integrated suspended line (SISL) technology. The antenna unit in the proposed design utilizes differential SISL to excite two ME-dipoles, resulting in a relative impedance bandwidth of 30% and a maximum realized gain of 10.75 dBi. The subarray incorporates series center feed...Show More
A four-beam, quad-polarized transmit-array antenna (TA) is proposed, which can simultaneously radiate x-polarized (XP), y-polarized (YP), left-hand circularly polarized (LHCP), and right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) high-gain beams. Firstly, a quasi-anisotropic element is designed based on the stacked cross-shaped patch structure, and its phase response for XP and YP electromagnetic waves can ...Show More
This paper presents a novel planar linearly polarized all-metal meander-line endfire antenna mounted on a large-scale ground plane. First, the proposed antenna utilizes a single-conductor meander line as its radiation structure, which operates in axial mode to generate an endfire radiation pattern. The radiation structure involves radiation components perpendicular to the endfire direction and tra...Show More
This paper introduces a novel mode-switched dual-core voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) that integrates a variable inductor and dual-core VCO. The mode switching mechanism involves utilizing a high-Q capacitor as a transformer load and incorporating an external switch to modify the voltage signal across the capacitor. The VCO core maintains low phase noise levels while achieving a broad frequenc...Show More
Based on an active feedback circuit and binary-weighted switching technology, a novel programmable gain amplifier (PGA) circuit is presented in this paper to achieve extensive gain dynamic range, high precision decibel (dB)-linearity, better in-band flatness, and broadband performance. The circuit structure includes a precision fine-tuned gain stage and two modified coarse-tuned gain stages. DC of...Show More
This letter presents an air-substrate single-conductor millimeter-wave endfire antenna characterized by stable endfire radiation, high gain, high gain-to-length ratio, and ease of assembly. The proposed antenna is fed by air-substrate double-sided parallel strip lines (DSPSLs) in the TEM mode, ensuring a stable endfire radiation pattern. As an evolution of the periodic leaky-wave antenna, the prop...Show More
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has garnered increasing interest in spectral multiplexing. In this letter, a low-profile, high-purity OAM transmitter array based on Huygens’ unit cell is proposed, and the adjustment of the non-resonant region is used to make it perform well at large oblique angles. Theoretical analysis and simulation verification demonstrate that the transmission coefficients of th...Show More