Yang Li - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-9 of 9 results


This paper addresses the problem of target detection against a background of Gaussian clutter by using frequency snapshots with reduced degrees of freedom (DOF). We derive the optimal detector and detection performance under the Neyman-Pearson criterion for general frequency snapshot selection with arbitrary DOF. When the clutter statistics are unknown, we use a uniformly random frequency snapshot...Show More
This paper addresses the problem of target detection against a background of clutter by using frequency snapshots with reduced degrees of freedom (DOF). We derive the optimal detector under the Neyman-Pearson criterion for general frequency snapshots selection with arbitrary DOF. If the clutter statistics are known/well-estimated, a greedy method for selecting the frequency snapshots is presented....Show More
In this paper, we derive the distribution of the product of a complex Gaussian matrix and a complex Gaussian vector. Further, we calculate the distribution of the sum of this product and a complex Gaussian vector, which generalizes the recent results where a complex Gaussian scalar is considered instead of a complex Gaussian matrix. The exact probability density functions (pdf) are derived for bot...Show More
In this letter, we derive the exact joint probability density function (pdf) of the amplitude and phase of the product of two correlated non-zero mean complex Gaussian random variables with arbitrary variances. This distribution is useful in many problems, for example radar and communication systems. We determine the joint pdf in terms of an infinite summation of modified Bessel functions of the f...Show More
In this letter, we derive new results for the statistics of the ratio of two complex Gaussian random variables (RVs), where the numerator and denominator may have arbitrary means and are possibly correlated. Exact expressions are derived for the joint probability density function (pdf) of the real and imaginary parts, for the joint pdf of the amplitude and phase, and also for the joint characteris...Show More
In this paper, we develop efficient methods for devising lower complexity receivers that can achieve performance close to the full complexity receivers for passive/active multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. The method employed eliminates some parts of the test statistic to lower either hardware or software complexity. For the case of spatially uncorrelated reflection coefficients and spat...Show More
This paper studies reduced complexity target detection using multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radar with lower complexity. To reduce either hardware or software complexity, some parts of the test statistic are eliminated in the proposed method. For the general case where clutter-plus-noise and reflection coefficients are correlated, the test statistic requires the computation of a set of matc...Show More
We analyze target detection for sub-Nyquist radar in an environment with clutter. The target is assumed to be a Gaussian point target and the clutter a stationary Gaussian random process. The optimal detector and detection probability under the Neyman-Pearson criterion is derived. We show that the performance loss due to sub-Nyqusit sampling can be very small in the tested examples. When the signa...Show More
Passive radar can obtain performance benefits by using multiple receivers and multiple illuminators of opportunity (IOO). However, employing a large number of IOOs is costly in terms of hardware. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to limit the total number of selected IOOs. The IOO selection scheme for maximizing target detection performance is studied in this paper, under the assumption that the num...Show More