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Tyler Buntin - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-9 of 9 results


Most high-power microwave (HPM) sources, such as the magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) being developed at Texas Tech, utilize cold cathodes that generate electrons via explosive emission. Highly emissive cathodes such as the presented can generate current densities and currents greater than 1 kA/cm 2 and 10 kA, respectively, which are required for devices that can output r...Show More
Most high power microwave sources, such as the Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line Oscillator (MILO) being developed at Texas Tech, utilize cold cathodes that generate electrons via explosive emission. These highly emissive cathodes can generate current densities and currents greater than kA/cm2 and 10 kA, respectively which are required for devices that can output RF power greater than 100 M...Show More
The development of a low-impedance magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) driven by a compact Marx generator developed by Texas Tech University is discussed. The goals of the project aim to develop a MILO operating within the S-Band that can provide an RF peak output power of greater than 1 GW with greater than 10% efficiency. The device design followed a set of base design equ...Show More
A low-impedance MILO is being developed at Texas Tech University, and a compact Marx generator was designed to drive it. The target design goals of the Marx are an output voltage greater than 500 kV and an output current greater than 40 kA. Risetime needs to be sub 150 ns and the pulsewidth must be greater than 100 ns. These performance goals were determined from PIC simulation of the MILO such th...Show More
The drilling behavior of polymer bonded high explosives (HE) is investigated by varying drilling parameters and analyzing resultant forces and thermal response. A modified drill press enables remote operation and precise control of cutting speed, feed, and depth. To acquire temperature at the cutting interface a K-Type thermocouple is inserted in the coolant holes of thru-coolant drill bits and ep...Show More
The impact of mechanical stresses on polymer bonded high explosives, HE, is investigated. High-Speed photography in the visible spectrum, VIS, as well as mid-wave infrared (MWIR) of HE during small diameter drilling and controlled skidding is presented. Controlled drilling into the HE enables recording the size and temperature of shavings under varying feed and speeds. Even at very high drill spee...Show More
The diffusion of transient magnetic fields through the walls of a hollow conductive shell is an important phenomenon of interest throughout a variety of pulsed power applications. Basic solutions do exist for cylindrical geometries in the limiting case that the skin depth is much larger than the wall thickness; however, in many pulsed applications, the transient skin depth is often similar to the ...Show More
Transient magnetic diffusion through conductors of thickness comparable to the skin depth is investigated. Since an analytical solution is unavailable in this case, such magnetic diffusion results must be determined via simulation or experimentation. In the experimental approach, a sinusoidal current with peak values in the range of 20–30 kA (approx. 7 kHz ringing frequency) is passed through a tw...Show More
A NAO humanoid T14 model is employed to perform the functionalities of a tour guide for a college of engineering building. A wheeled mobile platform is designed and implemented to allow the robot to navigate. The software framework is developed to support a database of room descriptions, room number recognition, speech/gestures throughout the tour, as well as remote control of motion and live stre...Show More