The aim of this paper was to assess commercially available electrodes used in EEG examination. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy was used to investigate properties of four types of electrodes in different temperatures. Special attention was paid to the usability of electrodes used for registration of slow EEG potentials. Obtained results allowed to compare examined electrodes and to form reco...Show More
In this contribution the results on the development of a novel measurement system for electrochemical biosensing are presented. It covers the most important work on innovative graphene-based nanocomposites used in preparation of biosensing electrodes, design of different electrode types and a specialized flow chamber, specialized hardware and software for two versions (mobile and laboratory) of th...Show More
In the paper the results of development of measurement instrument dedicated to electrochemical biosensing are presented. The document covers the most important aspects of the hardware and software solutions used with presented device. Sample measurement results using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) method are also shown, in comparison with similar measurements made with commercially available, professiona...Show More