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Xiucai Huang - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 34 results


Reinforcement Learning (RL) based methods have been increasingly explored for robot learning. However, RL based methods often suffer from low sampling efficiency in the exploration phase, especially for long-horizon manipulation tasks, and generally neglect the semantic information from the task level, resulted in a delayed convergence or even tasks failure. To tackle these challenges, we propose ...Show More
Visual-based robot pose estimation is a fundamental challenge, involving the determination of the camera’s pose with respect to a robot. Conventional methods for camera-to-robot pose calibration rely on fiducial markers to establish keypoint correspondences. However, these approaches exhibit significant variability in accuracy and robustness, particularly in 2D keypoint detection. In this work, we...Show More
This paper presents an indirect yet new prescribed performance design framework for unknown nonlinear multi-agent systems under switching undirected connected communication topology. By means of the neighboring information, a fully distributed and purely robust control scheme is established via a backstepping-like design procedure, which is capable of steering the output tracking errors to an arbi...Show More
In this paper, our focus is on prescribed performance control (PPC), a method that specifically targets a class of uncertain stochastic nonlinear systems exhibiting a pure feedback form. Firstly, we employ the mean value theorem to decouple the pure feedback form inherent in the system. In addition, the neural network and dynamic surfance techniques are exploited to identify the unknown dynamics. ...Show More
In this paper, a stability control issue for a class of single-input single-output(SISO) time-varying nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties and completely unknown time-varying input coefficient is investigated. Combining with the so-called congelation of variables method and a special type of Nussbaum function, a backstepping-based adaptive control scheme was proposed in our paper, which...Show More
This paper investigates the performance control problem of pure-feedback systems with unknown coefficients. To tackle the substantial control issue in nonlinear systems with unknown control coefficients, we employ a specialized Nussbaum function. In addition, we have proposed a prescribed performance control approach grounded in robust techniques, Its objective is to guarantee the convergence of t...Show More
This article presents a novel dual-phase based approach for distributed event-triggered control of uncertain Euler–Lagrange (EL) multiagent systems (MASs) with guaranteed performance under a directed topology. First, a fully distributed robust filter is designed to estimate the reference signal for each agent with guaranteed observation performance under continuous state feedback, which transforms...Show More
Most existing control methods for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) uncertain nonlinear systems can only achieve uniformly ultimately bounded stability with conservative controllability condition. In this note, for a larger class of uncertain MIMO strict-feedback nonlinear systems, we present a control solution with enhanced controllability condition by resorting to certain feasible auxiliary matric...Show More
In this article, we investigate the distributed tracking control problem for networked uncertain nonlinear strict-feedback systems with unknown time-varying gains under a directed interaction topology. A dual phase performance-guaranteed approach is established. In the first phase, a fully distributed robust filter is constructed for each agent to estimate the desired trajectory with prescribed pe...Show More
This article addresses the synchronization tracking problem for high-order uncertain nonlinear multiagent systems via intermittent feedback under a directed graph. By resorting to a novel storer-based triggering transmission strategy in the state channels, we propose an event-triggered neuroadaptive control method with quantitative state feedback that exhibits several salient features: 1) avoiding...Show More
This note investigates the decentralized stabilization problem for a class of interconnected systems in the presence of non-triangular structural uncertainties and time-varying parameters, where each subsystem exchanges information only with its neighbors and only intermittent (rather than continuous) states and input are to be utilized. Thus far to the best of authors' knowledge, no solution exis...Show More
This paper provides a robust adaptive trajectory tracking control strategy for uncertain unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) in the presence of external disturbances. A dynamic model of UGV is obtained without assumption of small angle approximation and an affine system of UGV is derived by considering the steering angle as the state variable. By resorting to the existence of some auxiliary matrix, the...Show More
It is still an open problem to achieve asymptotic tracking meanwhile maintaining specific performance for nonlinear systems with structurally mismatched uncertainties and strictly constrained inputs. In this work, we present a solution to this problem by using neural network (NN)-based adaptive control embedded with the robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE) technique. Most existing presc...Show More
It poses technical difficulty to achieve stable tracking even for single mismatched nonlinear strict-feedback systems when intermittent state feedback is utilized. The underlying problem becomes even more complicated if such systems are networked with directed communication and state-triggering setting. In this work, we present a fully distributed adaptive tracking control scheme for multiple agen...Show More
In this article, we investigate the distributed output tracking problem for networked uncertain nonlinear multi-inputs–multi-outputs (MIMO) strict-feedback systems with intermittent actuator faults under a directed protocol. By embedding some user-designed performance functions into a backstepping-like design procedure, a distributed robust control scheme is developed that exhibits several salient...Show More
It is nontrivial to achieve asymptotic tracking control for uncertain nonlinear strict-feedback systems with unknown time-varying delays. This problem becomes even more challenging if the control direction is unknown. To address such problem, the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) is used to deal with the time delays, and the neural network (NN) is applied to compensate for the time-delay-free y...Show More
In this paper, we investigate the prescribed performance control problem for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) uncertain nonlinear nonaffine systems subjected to hysteresis input uncertainties. Most of the existing research schemes use the compensation methods to deal with the impact of hysteresis, or only study explicit hysteresis models. We focus on how to cope with the controllability conditions,...Show More
This paper investigates the attitude trajectory tracking control problem for quadrotor UAVs. An uncertain nonlinear affine state system is modeled from the quadrotor with unknown external disturbances. By checking the existence of certain auxiliary matrix, a milder controllability condition for the quadrotor model is introduced building upon which a robust adaptive attitude trajectory tracking con...Show More
This paper spotlight on the problem of output tracking for a class of uncertain multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with unmatched nonlinearities and non-vanishing disturbances. Most existing prescribed performance control (PPC) can only guarantee uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) stability, while the robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE) based control, although is able to...Show More
In this article, we first show that the main results claimed in the paper by Bikas and Rovithakis (2021) involve some errors as the selection conditions for the design parameters are not sufficient to ensure the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals, then we provide the corresponding corrections under the same controller, so that the underlying quantized control problem can be tackled.Show More
This paper investigates the distributed coordinated tracking problem for multiple networked uncertain Euler-Lagrange (EL) systems under a directed communication protocol, where only a subset of the followers has access to the leader. A robust and approximator-free control scheme is developed without using any prior knowledge of system nonlinearities, which guarantees that each follower follows the...Show More
In this work, a low-complexity technique is developed to design controller for uncertain pure-feedback systems, which may be subject to time-varying yet asymmetric state and tracking error constraints simultaneously. By directly incorporating the state and tracking error constraint functions into the control design, a control scheme is proposed without utilizing any nonlinear approximator as well ...Show More
It is challenging to asymptotically stabilize a general two-trailer system consisting of a unicycle car and two identical trailers at a predefined pose efficiently because the system cannot be converted into a chain-form system. In this article, we design a two-phase parking strategy for such a system to park it at the target pose. The proposed strategy is inspired by a new insight on the singular...Show More
Single image dehazing has been a challenging problem due to its ill-posed nature. In this paper, a novel single image dehazing approach is proposed to accurately model the transmission map and suppress artifacts in the recovered haze-free image. Firstly, a coarse transmission is estimated using the patch based haze-line model. After that, a non-local Total Generalized Variation regularization is i...Show More
It is challenging to study generalized reciprocal collision avoidance for non-holonomic robots, especially when angular velocities are required to be tuned. This paper investigates the reciprocal collision avoidance problem for non-holonomic robotics. Two strategies to adjust the linear and the angular velocities of robots are respectively, presented where the collision-free navigation is characte...Show More