Author details
Shin’ichi Arakawa
Also published under: Shin'ichi Arakawa, S. Arakawa, Shinichi Arakawa, Shin’Ichi Arakawa

Shin’ichi Arakawa
Also published under: Shin'ichi Arakawa, S. Arakawa, Shinichi Arakawa, Shin’Ichi Arakawa
Department of Information Networking
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Shin'ichi Arakawa (M'02) received the M.E. and D.E. degrees in informatics and mathematical science from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 2000 and 2003, respectively.,He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University. His research work is in the area of photonic networks.,Dr. Arakawa is a Member of IEICE.(Based on document published on 29 September 2009). Author's Published Works