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IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | All Volumes | IEEE Xplore

Issue 3 • July-Sept.-2021

Cloud services are often distributed across several data centers requiring new scalable approaches to efficiently perform searching to reduce the energy and price cost of fulfilling requests. Multiagent-based systems have arisen as a powerful technique for improving distributed processing on a wide scale, which can operate in environments where partial observability is the norm and the cost of pro...Show More
The majority of today's power-hungry datacenters are physically co-located with office rooms in mixed-use buildings (MUBs). The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system within each MUB is often shared or partially-shared between datacenter rooms and office zones, for removing the heat generated by computing equipment and maintaining desired room temperature for building tenants. To...Show More
Large-scale clusters are often built with over-provisioned service resources, so as to satisfy the huge demand raised by enormous users in cloud environments. By estimating the resource demand of workloads, an on-demand resource provisioning method can be realized in these clusters, thus improving the energy efficiency. However, to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), the resource demand of workloa...Show More
Energy optimization plays an increasingly critical role in designing an embedded real-time multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC). Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Dynamic Power Management (DPM) are preferable techniques to optimize energy consumption. However, previous DVFS and DPM algorithms were mostly designed for inter-task scheduling, without sufficient exploration on intra-task s...Show More
The massive and irregular load surges challenge datacenter power infrastructures. As a result, power mismatching between supply and demand has emerged as a crucial availability issue in modern datacenters which are either under-provisioned or powered by intermittent power sources. Recent proposals have employed energy storage devices such as the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to address this i...Show More
Soft Error Rate (SER) estimation is an important challenge for integrated circuits because of the increased vulnerability brought by technology scaling. This paper presents a methodology to estimate in early stages of the design the susceptibility of combinational circuits to particle strikes. In the core of the framework lies MASkIt, a novel approach that combines signal probabilities with techno...Show More
Complex computing platforms such as High Performance Computers and Data Centers are critical systems from the energy sustainability viewpoint, due to their high computational power and demanding thermal stability specifications. In this context, cooling is a crucial component to operate such systems efficiently. Adavanced solutions, based on liquid and hybrid topologies are available today, but th...Show More
Smart city, a focus of many researchers from academia and industry, is a successful example of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS). Based on the rapid and efficient processing of large-scale data, Smart city, an example of CPSS, has revolutionized the service provision model by providing proactive services for humans. However, to operationalize the services provided in smart cities, a comprehensi...Show More
Power capping is widely used in cloud datacenters to mitigate power over-provisioning problem, thus improve datacenter capacity and cut off their operation cost. However, inappropriate or aggressive power capping may lead to performance degradation of applications (especially latency-sensitive ones), and there are few effective methods that can accurately evaluate and control such negative impact ...Show More
Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) are the extension of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which integrate social characteristics into Cyber-Physical Systems. The emergence of CPSS provides a promising solution for energy and sustainability challenges, at the same time, CPSS make sustainability computing space change from single space to multi-spaces. To cope with the problem, we propose Cyber-Physica...Show More
Silicon-based CMOS technologies are fast approaching their ultimate limits. By approaching these limits, fabrication yield, reliability, and power densities, worsen steadily making further nanometric scaling increasingly difficult. These problems would become showstoppers in ultimate-CMOS and post-CMOS technologies, unless efficient fault-mitigation and low-power approaches are developed to mainta...Show More
The relational database service in cloud usually achieves energy efficiency by using virtualization technology, in which it consolidates multiple independent database systems into a single physical machine while enforcing the hardware-level isolation among them. However, the disk I/O performance is inevitably hurt due to the resource contention on the shared device. We propose VMSQL, a novel disk ...Show More
The number of (edge) devices connected to the IoT is on the rise, reaching hundreds of billions in the next years. Many devices will implement some type of critical functionality, for instance in the medical market this includes infusion pumps and implantable defibrillators. Energy awareness is mandatory in the design of IoT devices given their huge impact on worldwide energy consumption and the f...Show More

Contact Information

Ahmed Louri
The George Washington University

Contact Information

Ahmed Louri
The George Washington University