2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS) | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS)

Volume 2 • Sept.-2017

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Publication Year: 2017,Page(s):ii - ii

Table of contents

Publication Year: 2017,Page(s):xi - xxvii
The tremendous growth rates of Internet and volume of content stored on its servers requires the creation of tools for automatic content analysis and processing. Intelligent systems for content processing aim to simplify and automate such tasks as content analysis and classification, finding keywords and building digests, distributing content according to specified criteria. This paper presents th...Show More
Research in Internet of Things (IoT's) have surpassed the notions of connectivity and smartness, and entered into an era of sociable objects. A model based on socially-influenced interactions for “social objects” is presented to demonstrate its application and strength. Adopting an agent-based modeling method and simulation, a comparative study of competitive vs. cooperative behavior of peers in s...Show More
The object of work is definition of loading on rollers of belt conveyor, and further creation of algorithm and computer program for definition of the maximum loading after which in bearings of the roller the jamming moment begins. The jamming moment, is a consequence of distortion of bearing rings and is one of the negative coefficients influencing working capacity and durability of the bearing. C...Show More
We discuss several ways to accelerate genetic algorithm-based instance selection, where the two objectives are a minimal number of training instances and maximal accuracy of the classifier (we use neural networks) on the test data. We discuss several ways to accelerate the process, but we especially focus on two parameters: fitness function and chromosome length reduction. We evaluate different fi...Show More
Within the framework of this article the authors aim at showing complexity of transition to the processes of discrete control. The article points out the risks of loss of linear and stationary properties, as well as, the sources of errors of an initial model transformation. It is stated, that it necessitates correction of the control algorithms. The conclusion is made, that creation of theoretical...Show More
This paper presents some aspects of a spatial temperature distribution measurement using a planar multi-element resistance sensor. Metrological characteristics of this sensor are described and investigated in detail. The parameters of 16 channel data acquisition system based on Siemens 6ES7531-7KF00-0AB0 module are reviewed. The technique of a spatial temperature distribution reconstruction based ...Show More
The smart city paradigm provides multiple benefits for citizens in the efficiency and environmental fields, but also represent a prerequisite for finding new, sustainable energy resources. The answer to these challenges can be the microgrid. This paper proposes a microgrid structure with a 11kW PV panel, a 500W wind turbine and one household. The generation part is modelled and validated with real...Show More
The work deals with researching robustness of information system for measuring of microcontrollers average power consumption. Defined the ways of ensuring robustness of the proposed method. Considered hardware for robustness of the proposed method and proposed methods of study of the robustness of the proposed method.Show More
Modern, densely instrumented, smart buildings generate large amounts of raw data. This poses significant challenges from both the data management perspective as well as leveraging the associated information for enabling advanced energy management, fault detection and control strategies. Networks of intelligent sensors, controllers and actuators currently allow fine grained monitoring of the buildi...Show More
The intensive research for developing smart environments is based on building energy management systems. There exist demonstrated results that indicate a significant correlation between measured occupancy status and environmental conditions. In this context, the occupancy behaviour plays a key role to illustrate the consequent energy impact in energy savings HVAC control strategies, security, ener...Show More
In order to study processes in organizations which are result of many local interactions between organization's actors, more and more often computer simulations are used. One of the problematic issue in this kind of studies is to ensure that the outcomes of the models reflect in some way real-world social networks. In this article we compare network structures generated in two such models using as...Show More
In this paper we propose a predictive alarm ranking algorithm for prevention of nocturnal hypoglycemia (NH) in patients with insulin-treated diabetes. We adapt collaborative filtering method for prognosis of risk of NH occurrence in diabetic patients. We illustrate the proposed algorithm and test it to quantify its accuracy with medical records obtained within the framework of the European FP7-fun...Show More
In this paper we consider the problem of filming sport events, ensuring high quality image transmission to the spectators. A fleet of drones is used to cover the area in which the play takes place and to track all events. Auxiliary drones are used to support filming drones in order to transmit high quality image to the disadvantaged spectators with respect to the event that takes place in a certai...Show More
A new method of constructing nonparametric dynamic model of the human oculomotor system on the basis of experimental data “input-output” is developed, considering nonlinear and inertial properties of the rectus muscles of the eye. A technology for tracking eye movement is based on the videos. It is possible to determine the dynamic characteristics of the oculomotor system functions as a transition...Show More
The development of a deep (stacked) convolutional auto-encoder in the Caffe deep learning framework is presented in this paper. We describe simple principles which we used to create this model in Caffe. The proposed model of convolutional auto-encoder does not have pooling/unpooling layers yet. The results of our experimental research show comparable accuracy of dimensionality reduction in compari...Show More