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2006 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

Volume 2 • July-2006

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[Front matter]

Publication Year: 2006,Page(s):1 - 2

[Frontmatter and table of contents]

Publication Year: 2006,Page(s):i - xv

[Frontmatter and table of contents]

Integral-controller particle swarm optimization (ICPSO), influenced by inertia weight w and coefficient phi is a new swarm technology by adding accelerator information. Based on stability analysis, the convergence conditions imply the negative selection principles of inertia weight w, and the relationship between w and phi. To improve the computational efficiency, an adaptive strategy for tuning t...Show More
Human has some perception based behavior seen in his body movements. Movements of hands, legs, head, etc. show the inner emotion of the person in specific situations subconsciously. This paper introduces a Generalized Constraint Language (GCL) for humanoid robots to categorize data needed for trajectory tracking for each joint of the robot which lead to emotion mimicry. An artificial neural networ...Show More
A new mutation operator based on the T probability distribution is studied. The T probability distribution is stable and can generate an offspring that is farther away from its parent than the commonly employed Gaussian mutation. Moreover, it has a better fine-tuning ability than the Cauchy mutation. In this paper, evolutionary programming (EP) with mutations based on the T probability distributio...Show More
On the characteristics of multi-source, heterogenous structure, mass data of WebGIS as well as the complexity of the system, the paper proposes the design model based on Web and multi-agent. Moreover, through analyzing the characteristics of each agent of the design model, the paper makes a further research on the communication problem of the agents. It also proposes the communication model and gi...Show More
An inverse problem of support vector machines (SVMs) was investigated. The inverse problem is how to split a given dataset into two clusters such that the margin between the two clusters attains the maximum. Here the margin is defined according to the separating hyper plane generated by support vectors. It is difficult to give an exact solution to this problem. An immunogenetic particle swarm inco...Show More
It is important to design an agent with logical and decisive rationality in agent organization. Study about organization focuses on the definition of agent organization model and the analysis of organization formation and evolution, an attractive and challenging issue is how to combine logical and decisive rationality into a uniform framework. This paper aims at arguing the combination with logic ...Show More
Rough set theory and formal concept analysis (FCA) can be viewed as two different approaches of data analysis on data description and summarization. They focus on different characteristics of data in a context: the indiscernibility relation and the binary relation. The indiscernibility of objects with respect to a set of properties is an important notion in rough set theory. In general, this relat...Show More

Extension Rule in First Order Logic

Xia Wu;Jigui Sun;Kun Hou

Publication Year: 2006,Page(s):701 - 706
Cited by: Papers (3)
The extension rule (ER) is a new method for theorem proving, which is potentially a complementary method to resolution-based methods. But the first-order ER method is incomplete. We improve the first-order ER approach by (a) revise the definition of the potential blockage, give a complete first-order ER algorithm, (b) increasing the case M-satisfiability by giving a bound M, so as to make the ER m...Show More
As one of new type evolutionary computing methods, mind evolutionary algorithm processes evolutionary operations by using 'similartax' and 'dissimilation' operator. This paper studies the variance of population during the evolution from the view of the functional analysis. Interval sheath theorem is used to prove the global convergence of the algorithm. The conclusion is validated again by the num...Show More
In the distributed CSCW system, a cooperative workflow will always be interacted with many kinds of services during their interactive process, which make the application have much high demand for the quality of active control mechanism to support e-government platform. On the basis of discussing multi-agent system (MAS) interactive architecture under distributed network environment, it takes empha...Show More
In this paper, we studied the activation function of chaotic neural network, at first we review Chen's chaotic neural network and then propose a novel chaotic neural network model whose activation function is compose of sigmoid and wavelet function. Second, we make an analysis of the largest Lyapunov exponents and the reversed bifurcations of the neural units of Chen's and the proposed model. Thir...Show More
Rough set theory is an effective tool in dealing with vague and uncertainty information, attribute reduction is one of its important concept. Many attribute reduction algorithms have been proposed, but they are more suitable for two classes problem. For multi-class decision attributes problem, a new attribute reduction algorithm based on discernibility matrix is proposed in the paper, it makes gre...Show More
In this paper, aims at the weakness of ant colony algorithm that leads to converge rashly to the non-overall superior solution and its calculating time is long, when deals with resolving large optimization problem, a improved ant colony algorithm is presented. The algorithm combines the overall hunting ability with expansibility of the genetic algorithm and the character of immunity system in guid...Show More
In order to reduce the scale and complexity, the decomposition methods of fuzzy cognitive maps for knowledge representation and reasoning are presented. Partition the vertices of original cognitive map into some groups, and then construct quotient cognitive map based on these groups. Thus, the analysis of the original FCM can be reduced to that of quotient FCM, which provides global information of...Show More
In this paper we present a minimal cognitive model for deliberate agents, which includes problem formation, validity analysis, utility analysis, and belief changes. Through the model we emphasize that cognition may be a complex and recursive process that is relevant not only an agent's expertise but also domain problem-solving. Some methods for implementation of the model are discussed or describe...Show More
In this paper, a communication mechanism of cooperation multi-IDAs(Intrusion Detection Agent) is showed to solve disadvantage of IDS(Intrusion Detection System) with controlling center. After communication mechanism is given among cooperation multi-IDAs, a strategy of loading balance is described. Experiments showed that multi-IDAs can accomplish intrusion detection tasks. After the usage scope of...Show More
This paper describes a new temporal rough neural network which consists of a combination of rough set and temporal concept. Temporal factors are combined with the input of neural network. That is to say, input of neural network is function of time, so conventional neurons are reconstructed temporal neurons. Neurons of temporal rough neural network is temporal rough neurons, they use pairs of upper...Show More
This paper investigates possible connection strategies in sparsely connected associative memory models. This is interesting because real neural networks must have both efficient performance and minimal wiring length. We show, by using a genetic algorithm to evolve networks, that connection strategies, like those with exponentially reducing numbers of connections from near to far units, work effici...Show More

Introduction to the World of Quantum Computers

Sina Jafarpour

Publication Year: 2006,Page(s):760 - 764
The world is changing very fast, and so are the ways of communication and computation. This article is about a new communication and information technology based on the principles of the quantum physics. At first we discuss about some fundamental paradigms of Quantum Computers World, and then introducing the basis of quantum computation: "QBit". After that we explain some magic properties of this ...Show More

Programming Task Demands

Kim Man Lui;Keith C.C. Chan

Publication Year: 2006,Page(s):765 - 770
Not all programming tasks are the same. Agile software development emphasizes people over process and working software over documents. This changes not only what we have learnt from years of experience in software development but also how we should see the relationships between software teams and programming tasks, as process management and control documents to support programming tasks have been ...Show More
The automaton theory has been widely applied in many areas of science, such as system simulations, neural networks, etc. It is also a basic theory of compiling routine for discriminating words of a programming language. This paper analyses the equivalence theorem between finite automata and regular expressions, points out the problem existing in the construction rules from finite automata to regul...Show More
Image and video filtering is a key image-processing task in computer vision especially in noisy environment. In most of the cases the noise source is unknown and hence possess a major difficulty in the filtering operation. In this paper we present an error-correction based learning approach for iterative filtering. A new FIR filter is designed in which the filter coefficients are updated based on ...Show More
Any computation is necessarily a physical process. The current drive towards increasing speed and miniaturization of computers lead modern technology towards the subatomic domain - quantum computing, where strange quantum behavior takes over from familiar classical notions. The quantum computers have the ability to solve problems with varied computational complexities and more importantly hard pro...Show More