I. Introduction
Real-world systems are often best modeled in continuous time, for example using equations of motion, but with measurements taken at discrete instants [1]. Many systems also vary their behavior between discrete modes either by their construction or to simplify control [2]; for example, geared robot motion, power systems using switched circuits or sources, or an aircraft with several trim conditions including cruising and banked turning. In real-world systems we must also consider noise in our process and measurements, usually represented by random additive noise. A practical formulation for such systems is a stochastic sampled-data switched system [3], given by \begin{gather*} \dot x(t) = f(\sigma (t),x(t),u(t)) + w(t) \\ y\left( {{t_k}} \right) = h\left( {\sigma \left( {{t_k}} \right),x\left( {{t_k}} \right)} \right) + v\left( {{t_k}} \right), \end{gather*} where x(t) is the state, u(t) is an input, w(t) is a process noise, y(tk), usually denoted yk, is a measured output subject to random measurement noise v(tk), usually denoted vk, σ(t) is a “switching signal” taking values in a finite set that tells us the active mode at time t, and tk are discrete times of measurements indexed by k. The control of such systems is addressed in [4].