I. Introduction
The impulse radio ultrawideband (IR-UWB) radar uses impulse waves of short duration and wide bandwidth. It has many advantages over other sensor systems, including high resolution, anti-interference, good penetration power, and insensitivity to light and climate [1], [2]. Due to these promising characteristics, studies based on the IR-UWB radar have been carried out with topics on people motion identification [3], [4], gesture recognition [5], target recognition in the jungle [6], [7], and medical assistance [8]. However, most of the existing IR-UWB target recognition studies focus on human postures or gestures, and there are few studies on target recognition with large size, many scattering points, and complex distribution. This article uses IR-UWB radar to identify different vehicles to help applications such as traffic safety. Compared to other sensors, it is less susceptible to weather, light, or dust conditions [9]. Moreover, the extremely narrow pulsewidth gives it a high-range resolution and small near-range blind zone.