I. Introduction
The ground surface is constantly changing due to sudden phenomena or gradual ones. The detection of ground surface changes provides valuable information to geoscience and geomatics experts, called change detection (CD). The technology has important applications in ecological protection [1], environmental monitoring [2], and urban expansion [3]. Buildings are essential places for human activities, building change information is crucial when we detect various categories of change. A fine detection of building change is very helpful in land management, geographic information updating, and disaster assessment. Today, remote sensing images have a spatial resolution of sub-meters, which enables us to clearly distinguish each building in the images. However, the majority of studies have not been able to simultaneously accomplish both building change detection and instance segmentation of changed buildings from high spatial resolution images. And the information of the building instance change in high spatial resolution remote sensing images has not been detected so far. The information is valuable for disaster assessment and urban building management [4]. China suffers from floods almost every summer, and an unprecedented rainstorm hit Henan in 2021. In addition, China is one of the countries with frequent earthquakes. The Wenchuan earthquake caused the collapse of about 5 million houses. The high spatial resolution remote sensing images help implement damage assessment and disaster situation surveys, which can save the workforce and reduce risk. With the continuing development of cities, illegal buildings have become a more prominent problem in urban building management [5]. To address these issues, it is an excellent way to simultaneously accomplish both building change detection between bi-temporal images and instance segmentation of changed buildings for distinguishing each instance, which is called building instance change detection (BICD). This is an essential step in assessing building damage, surveying disaster situations, and identifying illicit buildings.