I. Introduction
The concept of student's communication strategy appears in the course of the development of ideas of education personalization and their embodiment in the participative model of educational process. Following the representatives of these traditions, the authors of the article understand the student's communication strategy as goal-setting in learning, meaningful assessment of available opportunities and received competences, student's ability to independently outline a long-term educational plan of his/her learning and manifestation of all these skills within the framework of educational communications. The formation of their own communication strategies by students of engineering specialties is initially associated with a number of difficulties. The most influential one is caused by the multidimensionality and dynamics of engineering competencies to be mastered. To design an educational track, one needs professional experience and the ability to predict the development of one or another specialty, which most students lack due to their age. In addition, there is also such a difficulty as underestimation of the importance of communicative competencies by people inclined towards human-engineering professions and, as a result, their underdevelopment.