I. Introduction
Healthcare industry is an essential sector in employment, health-related facilities, revenue, and contribution for healthy civilization in smart cities. Healthcare industries include clinical trials, hospitals, medical equipment and devices, telemedicine, outside patient clinic, health insurance, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. A new era of technologies has enriched healthcare industries by introducing m-Health and e-Health facilities. The term m-Health is mobile health that provides mobile device-based practices to patients to support their medicines and daily healthcare facilities. e-Health is an electronic health service that uses information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering digitally processed facilities to patients and doctors through computers and drugs. Both e-Health and m-Health have immense support to the healthcare industry benefitting patients, doctors, medical professionals, and businesses, establishing a healthy civilization in the smart cities. Healthcare is a real-time monitoring system with technological advancement in ICT. Health is an essential element and the most crucial dimension of Internet-of-Things (IoT) used to build a smart city.